Chapter 07

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“Cui Fen are you done with your acts?”
Cui Fen was teasing her brother when heard Feng Jiu’s voice, she turned around and watched Feng Jiu as she walked calmly, her aura caught Cui Fen’s breath once again. Feng Jiu was in seclusion for the past seven months.
“goddess Feng Jiu” she bowed and greeted her. Feng Jiu accepts her greeting with a node: I suppose everything is as should be.
She stated instead of asking and Chi Fen assured her. Today was the day Feng Jiu would announce as the crown princess of the kingdom, she would keep her position as eastern lands queen until Cui Fen was ready to take the throne.
“cousin you are already late, lets prepare you” Cui Fen said eying her simple pink robe, she only wear her formal dress for three days when she came back then changed to her cozy robs and ignored every one’s disapproving and now no one dared to say anything to her beside Chi Fen, she always talked her mind with Feng Jiu and ignored all her angry gazes.
“no need” was all Feng Jiu answered.
Cui Fen sighed, the day her great grandfather came and told her cousin that he is going to make her crown princess she looked for a second and told “Okay” after that she told Cui Fen to get ready to take her status and started to train her more seriously , and again seven months ago fox king came and informed her about the day they were going to keep the coronation, and again Feng Jiu only give her grandfather a look and a “I be there” before leaving and staying in seclusion for the while being.
Cui Fen heard a lot of stories about her cousin and none of them match with the person she met, she knew some place deep inside Feng Jiu’s spirit the wild fox still is alive but she bonded it severely and the poor fox can’t do anything to get free. “dear cousin, the great high goddess, your excellency, please bear this humble fox and change for something more formally” Cui Fen said, trying her best to plead with her.
Feng Jiu rolled her eyes at her heir but before she could answer Cui Fen continued: you are the first crown princess of the fox realm, every one gives it high expectation even Dong Hua Dijun is present, please keep some face for us.
Feng Jiu’s ears get sharp at the mention of his name. for the past 1094 years she only met him twice and in formal meetings, his image was as clear as always and his voice as alive, but with every year passed her heart froze more and now it only beat to remain alive, she still had a lot to do, it had to beat. Nodding her head she finally gave the permission and Cui Fen took her to her room happily.
Feng Jiu let Cui Fen help her in a formal gown prepared for this event and later made her hairs and put some makeup on her face. She looked at herself in the mirror and saw a grown up queen staring coldly at her in formal robes, she gave a half smile with the corner of her lips at her image and turned around to walk to the next step of her life.
The ceremony was held in the capital's palace and she attended the main court with Cui Fen and three maids accompanying her. She recalled the last time that Cui Fen came in with several maids, back then she told her to forget such behaviors if she wanted to be a monarch of Ching Chu, but right now she was walking toward a throne and she had maids at her escort, how ironic.
The guards opened the door of the court and announced the entrance of the crown princess, Feng Jiu look over her shoulder and told the girls to stop, she wasn’t the kind that wish to walked with several people behind herself and if her grandfather wanted her he has to accept how she truly is, she decided.
Feng Jiu entered the room alone and watched the guest standing up in respect at the corner of her eyes, the people of Ching Chu and those who were lower rank than her bowed down as she walked in the middle of the room, staring upright.
The goddess ascending the throne took away the breath of her audience, the court fell in deep silence and eyes gazed her way trying to get a better view.
She was looking for Dong Hua and saw him standing as well, he was right in front of her, next to the stairs that would take her to the throne, watching her softly. Her eyes melted as she made eye contact with him and her heartbeat a little stronger reminding her  that it’s still working.
Dong Hua hadn’t met her for a long time, he heard she was doing well and making more aligns and admirers by day, while the news was good they weren’t enough so when he heard Ching Chu keeping a ceremony to name her the first crown princess he came with not much thought.
Feng Jiu reached the stairs which took her to the symbolic throne, the rulers of Ching Chu never sat in a fancy chair to show off their power, the throne in front of her was something temporary prepared for tonight.
She walked the stairs up and stood in front of the throne waiting for other formalities. His grandfather's personal assistant offered him a sealed roll. Feng Jiu recognized it immediately, it was the scroll that granted their individuation from other realms and recognized their freedom of nine heavens which was given to her grandfather by Dong Hua after he crowned himself.
Bai Zhe walked up the stairs and stand in front of her, admiring the beauty of his granddaughter he offered the scroll: Bai Feng Jiu of Ching Chu, by putting the safety of this document under your protection, which is given to us by the first emperor Dong Hua Dijun, I Bai Zhe Dijun, the King of Ching Chu trust you by the freedom and safety of our kingdom and name you as the first crown princess of Ching Chu.
Feng Jiu bent her knees and bowed respectfully before accepting the scroll. Funny she could sense the sandalwood on it after millions years, “I Bai Feng Jiu of the nine tailed fox clan of Ching Chu obey your command”
She said and watched her grandfather looking at her a little longer before walking down. The next was her grandmother's personal maid coming and offering a golden and crystal box to the fox empress. Feng Jiu recognized this one as well. The treasure of Ching Chu.
Back in the times of wars and before the lands of Ching Chu be named, there was a little ordinary red fox who doted her grandmother so much and followed her everywhere even in the battlefields.
Before one of the wars, her grandmother told the fox to stay inside the camps, she asked her to train more and wait until she was strong enough to attend wars. The little fox was rescued by her grandmother while she saw her parents be killed in front of her eyes and was healed and raised by her grandmother so she worshiped her grandmother and accepted all her words, but that one time she decided to turn down the orders and sneaked in her grandparent’s army.
The young fox searched the battlefield for her savior, using her small size as an opportunity to not be noticed, and found the beautiful goddess fox laying down and injured while her husband was kneeling beside her and trying to heal her wounds. Her grandparents were so lost in their bobble that they forgot their around and didn’t notice the sharp jaws of death inches away from them but the young fox saw the threat and using her spirit she shields the couple, saving them and giving her life in process.
Seeing what happened in front of their eyes her grandfather raged out and killed a lot in his storms of anger and her grandmother used the little strength she had to gather the remaining part of the fox spirit. she sealed it with her blood and tears, swearing to take care of it and never forget that if they are alive is because of a little fox. She kept her promise and never forgot that the reason for the royal family being alive and the lands of Ching Chu in peace is because of a certain ordinary fox and all other foxes who gave their life during the wars.
The sealed spirit named “the treasure of Ching Chu” because so many believe if Ching Chu’s royal family stayed honest and ruled well is for the sake of it. But there were so many who didn’t believe the true story and fantasy that some real treasure is hidden inside the box and all because once his grandfather got drunk and told “my beloved empress is capable of declaring war for the treasure”
Feng Jiu heard her grandmother and found her facing her: I, the first empress of Ching Chu trusted you Bai Feng Jiu of Ching Chu with our treasure” she bowed again and accepted the box, soothing her grandmother with her eyes who continued: “now you are the protector of our royalty toward the people who trusted us and supported us, remember you are responsible in front of them and the next generations as much as the ancestors.”  
The next thing that happened was not expected, she saw Siming walking to Dong Hua and offering him a cushion with a crown on it.
Dijun took it and walked up to her, she didn’t have a crown, none of the Bai family had except for her grandparents, so it was dijun’s doing, he brought the crown up her head and told: I the first emperor Dong Hua Dijun, using my rightful rights, name Bai Feng Jiu as the first crown princess of Ching Chu’s realms”
He settled the crown on her bended head and ignored all the gasp behind themselves, it wasn’t a sentimental decision that he took because of his feelings, he knew her spirit well and now with all the powers she gathered and all the respect she found, it was a wise decision for peace and realms as well as for his heart, he couldn’t protect her as he wish to but he will do anything in his powers and ability to help her in her journey, until they found the peace together.
Feng Jiu straight her head and stared in his eyes and whispered: Dong Hua...
He smiled at her and whispered back: little fox.
When he remembered they were in the middle of a very formal occasion he stepped aside and let the others see her and her crown. She eyes the people in front of them and saw they bowing and calling her the crown princess, even her aunt and uncles bowed, only her grandparents, Mo yan, Zhe Yan and Ye Hua stayed straight confirming with bending their head. She looked beside herself and saw Dijun bend his head as well and show his respect with that. He was the former emperor, his words will be final word till the end of times, his confirm and his respect guaranteed her acceptance in her new role in anyone eyes, it was the best thing he could give her now and she accepted by bending her head in front of everyone but she stayed silent, “the actions talk louder than lips”, she thought and sensed the small smile on Dong Hua’s lips assuring her before helping her to seat on the throne.

I always find my way back to you, A Dong Hua and Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now