Chapter 05

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The next day Ching Chu was celebrating the return of their young queen, the Bai family were waiting for her to arrive at the entrance of her lands along with Zhe Yan, Ye Hua, Ah Li and Dong Hua, the picture of the last one was a surprise for every eye.

hey stayed in hope and stress, waiting for their little most beloved one, now she wasn't the only grandchild of the clan but still she was their favorite, even her cousins were waiting to meet her eagerly. Each of them was lost in his/her own thoughts when the figure of Feng Jiu appeared in the distance walking toward them. The young beautiful goddess coming to them was nothing like their little Jiu yet she was her! She had a light golden and pink dress on while her hairs moved behind her freely and her aura shining beautifully, if she didn't have the birthmark they maybe suspected who she was. The elegant young lady in front of them was nothing like their little Jiu yet she was herself.
Dong Hua was looking at her figure too, smiling secretly, she was changed her hairs and dress, last night when she came to him she was in one of her favorite and simple gown but now she was formal than ever, she told she had some good shows and it seems she began since the beginning, it was good that she feels free to be herself with him.
Feng Jiu walked toward her family, she missed them a lot and secretly preferred to run toward them and hug them one by one, but decided to show more maturity for her father's sake and herself of course, she doesn’t want to get to his bad side just yet.
She reached the group and bowed in respect, formally and smiling. She showed her graduate toward Dijun and his old companion Zhe Yan first then her family one by one and at the end her uncle in law with emphasis on his title as her uncle, not the heavenly king.
Bai Yi smiled at his daughter and confirmed her, she was showing that Ching Chu and she as the queen of it is not under rake of heavenly king, she wanted for everyone to see and understand that she only answer to her royal family yet she respects almighty gods the most, Bai Yi was quite satisfied.
After formal greeting the fox empress stepped ahead to hug her and the others followed her. She was hugging her family but once a while her eyes found their way to Dong Hua and smiled at him. Her eyes showed everything better than her voice could, maybe the situation took their voice but nothing could silent their eyes.
The last one was Ah li, he was all grown up now and based on his dress he was a disciple in Kunlun mountain, she hugged him, “Feng Jiu Ge Ge I missed you a lot” he told "crown prince you seem really strong now, I was expecting to see my little rice ball asking for cookies but now look at you" she said to Ah Li and enjoyed his smile which for a second make him look like his youthful again.
“GU GU, where is my heir, your daughter” she asked, looking around for her cousin, the young fox princess of the celestial tribe.
Her statement and her question along with her appearance make a name for her that day, she was away for a very long time and wasn’t in touch with any one, at least they thought that’s the way, so her knowledge wasn’t expected, same as her appearance, how someone who was on trial for such a long time can be these gorgeous and well prepare. Before her aunt could answer her question or ask about her knowledge about the turn of events her daughter showed up.
Feng Jiu turned to look at her cousin's appearance, she was a show-off girl for sure, taking her time to come even after Feng Jiu and with the company of a lot of maids, but she bowed deeply toward the group before kneeling down in front of Feng Jiu and greeting her in a very very formal way.
Feng Jiu rolled her eyes and told her cousin to stand up then turned to her aunt: Gu Gu your daughter gets after her father.
"I accept your greeting as it was our first meeting and you came here as my heir, but we don't keep this kind of formality in Ching Chu, leave now and come back as my cousin, another thing, no need for several maids." She told her, obviously not approving of her celestial actions and stared in her eyes, it wasn’t obvious if she wanted to please her or to have a little fun with her, Feng Jiu thought she would find out later.
"Or maybe she is too much like Gu Gu" Feng Jiu said smiling while walking through the gates toward her people who politely gave their queen the time she needed to reunite with her family, she entered her lands and saw her peoples bowing in respect, calling her their queen. 
Feng Jiu asked them to rise smiling, she bends her head a little to show her respect and said how she is grateful of their patience along her long absence: as a token of my journey I give our lands the beauties of these mortal flowers.
She waved her hand and a certain red flower appeared in their eyesight and other places of her lands as well. When she was in mortal world She choose to plant for cultivation, every new world she went she plant two flower, she took care of them and when it was time to leave that world send one to Ching Chu and keep one in her current residence before changing world, she did that in every each of her residence, sending them to Ching Chu need a lot of concentrate and ability and was a great way for training. These were mortal flowers so she gave each a little hint of her immortality, today she only waves her hand to appear them but in others eyes she summoned them all at once which was a sign of how powerful she gets.
Dong Hua sensed her spirit in flowers, he was familiar with it better than anyone else, beside their one time being a couple in mortal world he saved her several times and she saved him as well, half of his cultivation was in her and her tail was with him for past thousands of years, he could sense her in flowers, she marked her lands and gave her spirit to it, the kind of magic she used to summon a mortal being to their realm required a sister object in its own world which means she planet two of each flower and settle one in mortal world, he turned his eyes on her and understand her motive, why she went every world and why she wanted for an heir who be related to celestial tribe, how he could miss it till now.
Feng Jiu sensed his eyes and returned his gaze, she saw the knowledge in his eyes and smiled, her smile was as bitter as his long time ago at the gates of heaven when he told her to leave, she kept her eyes on him and saw his light approve with a small node, finally they get to this point, she has a lot more to do, she was only in the middle of way but now she knew he is with her, she smiled again and turned to her people who were admiring the flowers and asked everyone to join them for a meal, she missed her family and people all.
Feng Jiu sat beside her aunt and forth uncle like old days, Zhe Yan guide Ye Hua to Dong Hua’s seat: “let them have some time just the three of them, that little kid is the main reason why your Qian Qian stayed strong after her shifu sacrificed his spirit.” Ye Hua didn’t need that speech , he knew how much his wife loves her niece. What he didn’t get was the reason why they sat with Dijun, the ancient god wasn't the kind who shared his seat with others.
“why that old phoenix take Ye Hua to Dijun?” Bai Qian asked, she was worried for her husband.
Bai Zhen chuckled: “he is ganging against us”. “little one, I think Dijun is for you to take care of.” He continued looking at Feng Jiu.
Bai Qian: the fact that he is here shows that she already took care of him. Feng Jiu how in heaven do you end up with that old rock god?
Feng Jiu: don’t call him old rock and I only took after your two, I didn’t want to shame our clan.
“how so?” her aunt and uncle ask together.
“uncle aren’t you with the old phoenix, who once was chasing grandmother?”
Feng Jiu told and Bai Qian laughed, Bai Zhen looked like someone hit him on his face.
“and aunty aren’t you with someone younger than even me, whom you once fed your heart blood to his brother for a long while?”
Feng Jiu continued, her uncle laughed and her aunt sent her deadly looks.
“so don’t blame me, I just keep the family name up” Feng Jiu told and laughed to their pale faces.
Feng Jiu saw her cousin coming toward them: “with the two of you I end up this way, with the three of us how your daughter will be Gu Gu” the three of them looked at each other and fell in loud laughs.
Bai Qian laughed and Ye Hua stared at his beloved wife face, Bai Zhen laughed and Zhe Yan smiled staring at him, Feng Jiu laughed and Dong Hua sighed, he felt something heavy left his chest, something that was there since the last time he saw his little fox in pain and told her to leave. The three of them laughed and everyone stared, their little one was back.
Banquet still was going on, Feng Jiu greeted her father and grandfather as they joined their group, Zhe Yan: let's go to them, Bai Yi and his daughter in one frame after a long time will be fun to watch.
Dong Hua wanted that too but unlike Zhe Yan and Ye Hua he wasn’t in a position to bother the family meeting, Zhe Yan felt petty for his old friend, he could see how Dong Hua feel, for the very first time to be honest: Feng Jiu shouldn’t you be politer to your guest of honor?
Feng Jiu traced his eyes and reached Dong Hua’s face, she stood up and walked to them, bending her head to apologize for her negligence: I hope Dijun forgives my failure, I was so captured by seeing my family again. Will your majesty honor me to be at his company?
Dong Hua nods his head: no need to apologize, It’s obvious how much your highness misses her family.
He stands up to accompany her back to her family, leaving two other men behind to roll their eyes before joining them. Feng Jiu smiled, walking with Dong Hua in her home was sweet: “thank you for coming.” She whispered and heard his answer: you asked me to come little fox.
“why Cheng Yu and Siming didn’t come? I want to see them too” Feng Jiu felt a little down when asked.
“don’t be upset little fox, your friend is with Lian Song, they are in mortal worlds looking for you and Siming is searching for them in his fate books.” Dong Hua said, smiling down at her and finding her confused: why are they looking for me?
Dijun: Lian Song used it to escape with her, his father was angry at her influence on his son.
Feng Jiu looked at him and laughed: I never thought to find you gossiping about others.
“hmmm” he gazed amused, she asked and he answered how he became the gossip one.
She looked up and smiled sweetly, “I miss you Dijun” she said as they reached her family.
Bai Qian looked at them and teased her niece: little one you seem ready to settle down.
“yes Gu Gu I am ready” she looked at her father who was drinking wine and seem satisfied by her answer “on my throne”
Bai Yi stared up at his daughter in anger: Bai Feng Jiu you are not a little kid anymore, you are the queen and you need to marry, it’s your duty toward your family and people, beside yourself as a young lady to have someone accompany you during your life.
Feng Jiu: Father, I didn’t go to every existing world to come back and find someone to rule my land for me, I have enough experience to take care of it by myself, beside I already have an heir so no need for more.
She turned her eyes on some young men and said louder: I’m not looking for a husband and not accepting any marriage proposal, I endure all sorts of hardship to find the ability to rule and live without a guardian. My lands and myself aren’t for selling, no need to send expensive gifts.
Some of the guests shivered in their seats, the young queen’s statement wasn’t something they hoped to hear.
Bai Zhe: of course you are not for selling dear, who dare to think this way.
Feng Jiu smiled at her grandfather: I just want to be sure no more gifts will arrive, I only will marry whom I love and trust.
Bai Yi looked at Dong Hua and sighed, no matter what they do nothing will change. His daughter can’t forget Dijun and he can’t be with Feng Jiu even if he wants to, even if he came all this way to celebrate her return and walked with her to her family, make her laugh, guarantied her freedom by his term for his sister marriage and even if he watching her with warm eyes. The burden of others' happiness is on his daughter's shoulder as much as her beloved, “be as you want, father will support you.” He finally told and watched his daughter's eyes fill with tears.
Their little one was back, but now she was a queen.

I always find my way back to you, A Dong Hua and Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now