Chapter 10

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\Someday in far future\
"Dijun I am done" Feng Jiu told him with a smile. Dong Hua observed her status, for a second he wanted to ask her to change her mind, reconsider it but he knew this day would come at the end and there it was, so he only nodded his head and said he will accompany her. She wanted to object as well but she knew he would not to be stopped.
“Dijun” the court bowed and called for the last time, of course they didn’t know that's their final bow but Dong Hua felt some strange feelings, even if he used to hear these kinds of respect calls for millennia.
surly he not going to miss this shouts or the view of a group of kneeling people but in this exact moment he reviewed all different type of his long life, once he used to attend to court, it didn’t matter back then and not after, no, even before that he used to bath in his own blood, be prepare for an attack every second of his days, discussing war theory with his generals, none was a matter of importance, then come a day when he was named as the king and he used to hear the political issues and make decisions for them, after that he was retire and used to fish and read, still, not important. 
once he cared for the peace of realms, why so? he forgot the reason himself, maybe at first he didn't feel to be at the battlefield anymore and when that went on he got used to the idea of protecting the peace. 
long after that when a certain little red fox came in his life he was both grateful and regretting about those feelings of his, if he didn’t care for realms he never took that road that end up in separation from his little fox yet if he didn’t care she couldn’t live in a peaceful life and enjoying her every breath. 
It doesn’t matter if he had all these thoughts inside his head, his appearance showed none as always, he only bent his head just a few inches, accepting their shouts before stepping out of the courtroom. he could sense different feelings that surrounded the room, he lived in nine heavens and attend to courts once a while but still there were a lot whom scared when they met him, there was some gratitude feelings among them too, also devotion, he sensed these feelings everywhere he went, but what a big deal, they will forget what they once felt and these stairs will be the only witness of his steps one day.
Feng Jiu watched at her cousin, the currently empress of the fox clan, as she blessed her newest grandchild along with her husband, they kissed the baby on the forehead and give her to their youngest son, Li Ming Settled his arm around Cui Fen waist and looked down to her, his eyes shine with love and happiness.
Feng Jiu smiled secretly and turned her eyes around the courtroom watching her family that were all gathered for naming the newly born fox, before fixing Her eyes at the prince consort again. The mortal man that she and Dijun bring to heavens and helped to ascend to a high immortal before he gets the permission and marry the young princess, now he was a high god and a very respected prince consort of Ching Chu, he ruled by Cui Fen side when she was the queen of east land then become his prince consort of Ching Chu’s kingdom and at the end took her seat-side and helped her protecting their lands. His presence in the young age of Cui Fen's life and his need for her support make Cui Fen grow up learning how to be responsible and trustful, at the end breaking the rules and bringing a mortal turn for good.
Feng Jiu only gave her throne to them when their first daughter was ready to take the crown of east land. After that she sat aside in a semi retirement, helping the new generation to rule over the realms.
Next she looked at A’li having his son in his arms, he met with demon princess at a banquet and the two of them fell in love soon , he came to Feng Jiu and asked for help, he was the crown prince of nine heavens and the young girl was a princess of demon clan, her grandfather was the reason of many loss of nine heavens, her father the first love of Bai Qian and her mother a betrayer to Ching Chu and Kunlun mountain whom caused a lot of problems, no matter if there were in long past if Feng Jiu didn’t get involved they had to go through a lot to be together, but Feng Jiu believed as immortals they can’t keep bad feelings for ever, they have to go on and love was a good reason for that. Of course she has her own selfish reasons too but it doesn’t matter, still she wish only for good things, so helping them she arranged their marriage contract by the secret help of Dong Hua who seems doing his best to give her everything he can, in hope to cover the one thing he was unable of giving her. 
But if anyone thought A’li and demon princess marriage was enough for Feng Jiu they were way too wrong, after their marriage she used the opportunity and seek forgiveness for Zhe Lan, getting the approval of Mu Yan, Zhe Yan, Dong Hua, Ye Hua and herself as the ancient gods and current rulers of realms. Well to be fair even before the marriage she could get their support but after then the girl, that Zhe Lan once saved, become the crown princess of nine heavens and feature queen, now saving her was much more important and to be punished for that crime for an eternity wasn’t fair anymore, even as immortals still they have to keep some unnecessary ceremony, so she get the forgiveness and together they come to a solution for Zhe Lan’s vow and finally he was released and found his way to his beloved one (not as quick as Feng Jiu hoped for) he went through some more exams as well but at the end the two of them get married.
It was after their son was born and named as the crown prince of demon lands when Dong Hua finally got what Feng Jiu was doing, she was securing it with love what he once got with his sword.
Now the demon clan has the blood of heaven’s who was also a member of Kunlun, the heavenly future queen was once the princess of Demon’s, the Ching Chu’s land were ruling with a queen of both Ching Chu and heaven’s, a mortal man and their children, and not forgetting the flowers she brought with herself, using her spirit and channeling the mortals world and immortals, securing both with fairy spirit. She helped the peace using the blood line and holy spirit but not with political marriages; she only observed well and helped those who were in love and plant only what was beautiful and make it helpful as well, and by all that she secured what was important for him.
Feng Jiu smiled feeling lighthearted, her job was done, she did what she owed the realms as a member of a royal family and also paid back Dong Hua with securing his precious peace and realms, she was done.
She looked around once more before leaving the room.
“Shall we?” Dong Hua asked, he was in front of the stairs which reached the main court-room of Ching Chu’s capital, waiting, Feng Jiu walked toward his raised hand smiling, putting her own on it.
The guards watched the scene in front of them as Dijun and her majesty Bai Feng Jiu vanished keeping hands and saw a sealed roll floating in front of them instead of the two of them.
One of guards walked forward and took the roll, it hasn’t a name on it and with all high gods inside the courtroom he didn’t know to whom he should gave it so when he heard a voice and turned around felt delightful to see the god of war, bowing in respect he said what happened and what is that. Mo Yan took the note and opened it, reading the short note he smiled and rolled it again. It seems she never gave up on Dong Hua or her love; she only took the long road to get ready and take what is for her, and succeed at the end.
“announce everywhere, Dong Hua Dijun and her majesty Bai Feng Jiu left to leave in an eternity seclusion, leaving their blessing and best wishes for realms behind.”
Feng Jiu looked around, still holding his hand in hers, they were in the Holy Blue See, it was a long time since their last visit but the place was same as always, elegant, beautiful, colorful and most important peaceful, she lived almost all her life in beautiful areas, Ching Chu was one the best place ever but even for her this place was something more, she could sense Dong Hua in the air, and of course for her Dong Hua was the best to feel. Dong Hua watched her as she was watching the place and enjoyed seeing the light in her eyes, for him her happiness and wellbeing was all its matters.
Feeling her ignorant go on for so long he pulled at her hand demanding her attention, Feng Jiu smiled and turned her head toward him: what an irony, choosing this place for a farewell.
Dong Hua just smiled.
“You don’t have to accompany me, you know” she stated, “I want to accompany you” he answered.
“What about this universe?” she asked, feeling obligated to at least suggest him to stay. “It’s secure, thanks to you little fox” he said that truth out loud for the first time.
“what it has with me, it’s you who unified and protected it” she smiled teasingly, he did that for sure but right now at the end of their journey she knew she had a share in it as well. Seeing her teasing smile he just shook his head, no matter how wise and respected she became, with him she always acted her innocent yet mischief little fox she was.
They walked around the place together for a while and enjoyed the scenery in silence, he kept his arm around her waist while she played with his hair.
“Dong Hua I have been preparing for this day since the first time I left for the mortal world so I arranged everything, but are you sure you don’t need some time?” Feng Jiu asked for the last time.
“You took care of my only responsibility, as for the other things, let the other take it on hand and manage it from now on” he watched her face for a while before continuing: little fox you wanted me to accompany me, didn’t you plan on this since the beginning?
Feng Jiu smiled: of course I wanted you, that’s a very old and well known news.
“Good” he smiled too, “then take my hands”
Feng Jiu accepted his both hands, keeping each with one of hers, they stayed face to face, keeping hands straight in front of them, in the middle of the place, starting to channel their energy to their hands and from the touch point of their hands to the ground.
“Dijun you did come to life here and from nothing that is known, right?” Feng Jiu asked, something was in her mind for a long time.
“Yes little fox, no one knows the source, not even myself” he answered, guessing where her mind was going.
“Then maybe...” Feng Jiu hesitated.
“Yes, maybe...” he answered her unasked question and she gasped.
“That’s the reason you accepted my wish this easily” she accused and watched him with narrowed eyes, he only gave a chuckle.
“well if it means one day you can be reborn I’m happily give you back all powers and spirit that one day you gave me to save me, but you have to promise me if you ever borne you have no right to make that choice, I will not be this patient and knowledgeable the next time.”
By know they already released most of their powers, as high gods that they were, nothing could end them and even if it could the energy would be devastated the realms, but by releasing it to Holy Blue See they only returned what was once given to them by the place, more so if they wish to be gone they had to return it all to maintain the balance, before taking the last step.
“If I am ever born again I will wait for you to join me little fox.” He answered her, wishing for it to be all true or not at all, again he has a bittersweet smile on his face.
“Promise me Dong Hua, promise me you will wait for me, that you will do all you can do to secure the world if you get the responsibility again, but not sacrificing our faith, promise me Dong Hua that you will not erase your name from the rock of three reincarnation” she almost cried the last part, her energy to the least level by now.
He squeezed her hand, ensuring her.
They both could feel that all the powers were gone, it was only their heart still beat, they stared in each other eyes, “I can’t harm you Dijun” Feng Jiu answered the question of his eyes.
“Little fox I’m not sure if one be delayed makes any difference or not” he answered after a brief silence, he couldn’t harm her either, but it was the way they took and there was no way back.
Feng Jiu took a second and finally nodded, securing herself in his arms. She hugged him with both hands on his back and felt his arms cycling her waist as well, but not before withdrawing a dagger from their sleeves.
“together” ... ”1” Dong Hua whispered.
“wait for me” .... “2” Feng Jiu answered.
“little fox I love you” ... “3” he finally confessed before calling last number and with that two dagger stabbed in two individual bodies, both built from one essential spirit and material, calling for each other and bonding the two people trapped between themselves forever.

Hello everyone
It's really been a long time since the last time I updated, I want to apologize but it seems I say sorry several times since now and said I'm going to update more regularly yet I failed again! So I only hope to get the chance and update in time! Again thanks for all of your support, kindness and wait.
The next chapter is the final one of volume 1. I know it's not a happy one after all this time but the first volume only makes way for the second which is the main and happy one!
I hope you like it.

I always find my way back to you, A Dong Hua and Feng Jiu storyWhere stories live. Discover now