Chapter 17

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"that's a lie, ignore that" was Dong Hua's answer to her first question, and second, and third and fourth, after that he took the list and examined it, announcing that all of them are lies. Feng Jiu looked offended, she read lots of books trusting them and taking the stories as truth but now the main character of the event named those as lies, it's offensive.

how can it be all lies, I took them from historical records." She asked, annoyed.
"history has a long reputation of not always being from the right side" Dong Hua answered in a puzzling way as always but now Feng Jiu wasn't in the mood for his way of talking: "what does that mean? If I can't trust history then what can I do? If all my questions are lies then doesn't that mean all the books are lies as well?"
"it can be; but also it can only mean that you have a good eye for finding strange things" Dong Hua said softly, he could see how she was disappointed, in her first try to read and learn she found herself in front of wrong information. "and for the other one, it means that history is recorded by one individual person who has his/her opinion and sight of view, so what is written by this writer will be affected by its writer point of view and the result can be true from just one side and ignorance of the other sides." He finished his explanation with that.
Feng Jiu thought about what he said and sighed as she got what he meant: so what can I do, I really wanted to know about you.
She smiled in excitement, leaning closer and said: will you tell me the real stories?
Dong Hua watched her for a moment, the offer was tempting, he liked the idea of having her here but decided against it: little fox there is no shortcut in life, I suggest you reread those books and this time try to find the truth lines.
Feng Jiu nodded and said she will give it another try. They sat there in peaceful silence for a while before Feng Jiu returned for Ching Chu.
She didn't appear in Dong Hua's palace for next years, in 20th year Dong Hua finally gave in and walked to her home in Ching Chu, only to find her leaning lazily near the lake enjoying the view in front of her, he met no one in his way and take it as an opportunity to not alarm anyone of his presence.
Feng Jiu sensed someone sitting beside her and thought it's Zhe Yan, who was expected to come and join her here any minute: old phoenix you are late, is my uncle that hard to handle?
"I should admit Bai Zhen is a handful, you can't find Zhe Yan like before" Feng Jiu heard the voice which she never could forget and turned around to see Dong Hua's face, sitting next to her and gazing back, a little smile in his stone black eyes.
"Dong Hua '' she shouted excitedly and hugged him around his neck, not aware of the raised eyebrow of him.
Dong Hua smiled at her reaction and put one of his arms around her waist: "how have you been little fox?"
Feng Jiu leaned away from him and ignored his question, she crossed her arms around her chest and asked in an annoyed voice: why did you come just now?
"didn't you say since we slept together in the forest I should come and visit you?" he answered, his eyes glancing in amusement and his eyebrow still up in teasing.
She wanted to answer his shameless statement but they both turned their head hearing something from behind and saw Migu standing there in shock, he stared at ancient god, his eyes shout anger at him and his hand fisted, he tried his best to not punch the former master of the universe in the face and instead turned back to seek high god Zhe Yan, he can beat the shameless old rock better, he dared to take advantage of their little princess innocence and only come 20 years after, seat and talk in such annoying and confidence, he will call all the Bai family if he need to, but no one can hurt little highness and go off easily.
Dong Hua heard the tree spirit thoughts and smiled, "good, he is capable, he can take care of this little mischief fox" he thought and focused his attention on Feng Jiu before others show up: you see little fox, I only used your own words but now your royal Migu is about to call your family to beat me up.
Feng Jiu saw his troubled face but a single "huh" was all Feng Jiu gave in response, Dong Hua chuckled and said: how are your readings going on?
"oh, I decided to put it aside, you see the books should be honest but you said they are not, I don't want to lose my trust in all of them, so I decided to instead of reading enjoy my time in other realms and learn swordsmanship" she said happily.
Dong Hua observed her answer and was about to say something when Feng Jiu jump on her feet and ran to Zhe Yan, calling him in excitement and hugging him, "it seems the girl just hug everyone" Dong Hua growled in his mind to his own conclusion and suddenly decided his visit here is done.
"look Dijun is here as well, let's share a tea together" Feng Jiu said happily but when she pointed to where Dong Hua was sitting, found it empty, Dijun was gone, how strange of him!
"you left so suddenly, Xia Jiu was upset" Zhe Yan said and took a sip of his tea, today he came to tease Dong Hua a little.
"hm" was only thing Dong Hua offered in return and Zhe Yan continued: the girl is quite insistence in what she really like but for the other things she get bored soon and put them aside, Zhen Zhen always say she always find her way back to whom she really love despite all the distraction in between.
Zhe Yan would never admit but he was a jealous type, he love the little girl dearly, she was like his and Bai Zhen own child, but they already have to share her with her parents and grandparents and aunt, when she keep talking about Dong Hua and asking about him all the time he didn't like it at all, now he found a way to revenge, he smiled and take his tea all in one shot, he was happy!
On the other side Dong Hua only sent an angry gaze to the old phoenix but didn't say anything, that little fox! It was a reminder why caring for others isn't a good thing, he set his mind on not paying attention anymore and his eyes turned to his usual icy manner again.
Two hundred years passed by like this, Dong Hua never stepped in Ching Chu again and Feng Jiu never came to his palace in return, he set his mind to not caring but in his unfortunate the talk about her was all around his palace!
Zhe Yan still kept coming to fill him in with the news about her and he being a good protector of peace never rejected the phoenix information, he once told him they need to take care of the little fox for the realms and he wasn't going to turn back on his words and confess otherwise.
Zhe Yan wasn't the only one talking about Feng Jiu, in his lake of like, Lian song in one of his visits to a friend was introduced to Bai Zhen and the two of them make a quick bonding, after that Liang Song make regular visits to Ching Chu and bring back his stories, and somehow Feng Jiu was always in those stories.
"you have no idea how tricky that little fox is, she always finds a way to scare away boys, her school maids, and a way to prank me! I regret that I allowed her to be unceremonious with me. She behaves so well at first, how could I imagine she is such playful soul"
He almost always started his stories with those words before telling what she did next, but always in his stories Feng Jiu left the group soon and left to find some new advantages for herself. Another 3 hundreds of years passed this way, Taichen Palace stay in excellent peace and fox den in, well no peace; all was alright until one day Liang Song burst into his palace: "they are going to push Feng Jiu of the Zhu Xian Terrace"
Even if his behavior toward Taichen Palace's lord was rude but the reaction of the named one was beyond imagination, it took only a mere second for Dong Hua to turn to Liang Song in slow motion, his eyes burn in red and his aura all around him, only a glance and he was vanished. Liang Song,even in his most worried status for Feng Jiu, shuddered at Dijun's face but managed to follow him.
Lian Song appeared at Zhu Xian Terrace and there he was, he took a quick look, Feng Jiu still in her fox form with only one tail; shouting, crying and kicking inside a bobble right up of the entrance of the Zhu Xian Terrace the group of immortals around her, trying to push her in, her foxy cries could melt the stones but did nothing to them. He watched as Dong Hua waved his hand and Feng Jiu flew to him still inside her bubble protection shield but when she reached his waiting arms her protection vanished and Dong Hua gathered her in his arms, soothing her fur with one hand as tightened the other around her, he heard Dong Hua saying to troubled fox: shhhh, it's okay, I'm here now, I'm here for you little fox.
Feng Jiu's eyes found his face, his sandalwood scent already calmed her a little and when she saw his eyes set on her and sensed his hand's soothing move in her furs she finally felt relaxed, but she was so injured and fell to unconscious again.
Dong Hua looked down and saw her fall to unconsciousness, he felt the anger build up again, he moved his eyes to the group who were frozen in their place, he waved his hand and they were bonded, on their knees: "how dare you to touch her, she is mine."

I always find my way back to you, A Dong Hua and Feng Jiu storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt