"Ding ding bitches your times up... lucky for you guys though you have plenty of time to figure you're shit out because you're both cut from the Paris trip! I'll take someone who actually respects the fucking pay cheque I give them every month!"

Camila spat immediately eliciting a strong regretful gasp from both girls as they fumble to find the words of apology to fix the devastating situation but before anything came out the woman was gone...

Lauren just stood gulping back before rejoining the new intern at a table as she sift through various files Camila had asked her to organise feeling an evident swarm of butterflies in her stomach as seeing her boss all rilled up was more than an attractive sight especially when it wasn't directly aimed at her..

"That woman is crazy..."

The young voice spoke eliciting an upward eye glance from Lauren as she lay her hands flat on the table realising quickly the man wasn't joking

"She's not crazy... they're crazy for being shallow enough to fight like that.."

She defend lightly looking over to catch the man's dismissive expression not wanting to believe her protective words only angering her further as she'd gotten to know the woman slightly better after spending some much needed alone time with her

"She just shamed them in front of everyone don't you think that's kind of a bitch move? I mean she may own this company but even that's a little shallow..."

Lauren rolled her eyes gritting her teeth together intensely as she slam closed the file scraping back her chair slightly to turn towards the bad mouthing man

"So she should! Those stupid bitches spend all day doing nothing even when they're supposed to be working so they deserve to be put in their place!"

"I don't know why you're getting so defensive I'm just saying? That's not how you run a company!"

He spoke as Lauren stood from her chair furiously grabbing for a cup of water that she unashamedly threw into the mans suited lap causing him to jump back slightly as he watched her grab for the files

"What the fuck would you know about running a company? You're just an over paid intern!"

She spat before storming away making sure to carry a powerful strut as she slam through into Camila's office throwing down her files against the couch with a scouring evil glare immediately catching her bosses attention

"Can I work in here please"

She ask bluntly

"Um.. sure?... What has you so angry?"

She spoke leaning back in her chair with a furrowed worried brow as Lauren stressfully scrape back her thick black wavy hair shifting it over her shoulder With a deep audible huff

"That fucking intern talking shit about you! Saying you shaming those models was a bitch move and that you don't know how to run a company!"

Camila pursed her lips not realising how defensive her runner would be over a few stolen words however not at all offended by the raging temper only aimed in her aid

"And what did you say back?"

The girl hesitate slowly looking down at the ground before parting her plump soft lips to speak knowing the reaction the models had gotten after such a reaction

"I uh... I threw a glass of water in his lap.."

Camila instantly cackled back throwing her head forward before lifting her pooling brown eyes up towards the elders stature extending out her pointer finger to motion her forwards, Lauren walked around dragging her palm over the desk as Camila reach for her thigh pulling her gently onto her lap to quickly embrace in a passionate warming make out session

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