Part 10

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Jin's POV:

I woke up to my phone buzzing louding beside me.

I reached out for it and saw my old boss calling me.

"hello Jin!" he said and sounded excited.

"oh hi boss" I smiled to myself and he chuckled on the other line.

"sorry if I called you so early"

"it's okay don't worry about it, do you need something?" I aksed.

"I've got some good news Jin! I got my restaurant back!"

I sat up in bed "wait really?!"

"yes really, so I need you back since you are my favorite worker"

I chuckled at his comment "of course" I laughed.

"well see you on Monday Jin" he said and then we said goodbye.

I was so happy to have my old job back! I jumped out of bed and opened the curtains. It was raining again and my window was misted up.

I heard Taehyung in the kitchen so I went to tell him the good news.

"morning Taehyung ah" I said smiling happily.

"oh good morning Jin hyung" he smiled back and handed me some coffee.

"thank you"

"sure thing" he smiled again and sat next to me.

"well.. I got my job back" I said and he looked at me and opened his mouth.

"wait really?!" he jumped up and spilled some coffee then cursed under his breathe.

"yes!" I said and laughed at his clumsiness.

He hugged me and we both jumped as we heard thunder.

"shit. Wow. Anyway that's so awesome Jin hyung I'm so happy for you" he patted my back softly.

"thank you so much"

"you're still gonna live with me right" he asked and looked at me with puppy eyes.

"well if you want me too" I blushed and he nodded aggressively.

"yes! Of course! I need you here." he looked at me and I got shy and looked away.

Taehyung smiled at me, the same smile from when we were kids.

I pricked up my head and he looked at me confused.

"what?" he asked and I just shook my head.

"nothing" I scratched my head nervously.

"no tell me right now" he walked towards me and started tickling me and I burst out laughing.

"fine fine I'll tell you!" I said between laughs.

"good I'm listening" he smirked at tilted his head at me.

"do you remember the first day we met.. It was raining and I was waiting for my mom to pick me up from school. You walked by holding an umbrella and held it over me. You seemed scary at first but then you smiled at me.. Gosh that smile. You then introduced yourself and we started talking. We had alot in common and then your umbrella broke while you were trying to pour the water off of it. So we stood in the rain and you put your jacket over me so I wouldn't get wet. You then started dancing in the rain in the middle of the road and then started singing. I never laughed so much in my life. You then asked me to join and we both started dancing in the rain. That memory has been stuck in my head ever since.. " I smiled at the memory and looked at Taehyung.

He had tears in his eyes.

"oh are you okay?" I asked and walked over to him.

"I remember that day too. Well jeez how could I forget that day. I remember seeing you waiting alone. You had an innocent smile and gentle eyes. I was afraid that you wouldn't like me. But then we started talking and we danced in the rain together while some people walked past laughing at us we still danced like no one was watching us. And that moment we spent together I knew.. I knew that I... Would love you forever." he wiped away a tear on his cheek.

I pulled him into a hug and took his hand, I opened his door and ran outside in the rain.

I stopped and let go of his hand. He looked at me and smiled. I jumped in some puddles and started dancing.

Taehyung laughed and his smile grew bigger. He started dancing to. He grabbed my hand and spun me around.

Our neighbors heard us laughing and looked out their windows at us, they gave us weird looks but we didn't care.

"Jin hyung!" Taehyung shouted

"I love you!"

He hugged me tightly and the rain poured down harder and our clothes were sopping wet.

"I love you too" I whispered in his ear.

He looked at me in the eyes and leaned towards me until our lips touched.

I deeped the kiss and then stopped.

"this was cheesy" I laughed and he laughed too.

I kissed him back and he pulled me closer. After all these years we finally kissed.

Someone honked at us and we jolted our head towards the car.

"get out of my drive way love birds!" Yoongi laughed and waved his hands out the window.

We laughed and moved out the way. Taehyung looked at me and smiled his cute boxy smile.

Taehyung grabbed my hand and kissed it softly.

"let's go inside before we catch a cold"

"good idea Taehyung ah"


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