"Hey, Kookie.", Chaeyoung answers his call.

"Chaeyoung, hey, my dear.", he replies with a sigh of relief to finally hear her voice after days of missing it.

"Hey...I'm sorry..", Chaeyoung says on the other end.

Jungkook quickly shakes his head and starts explaining, "It's not your fault, Chae. It's mine. I should've told you about it. Actually nothing happened between us that night. Jieun just came from some business trip she had there and met us at the club. I didn't know how she knew where we were but I assure you nothing happened between me and her. From that video, you couldn't see Taehyung because I already asked the security guards to bring him to the car first. He was totally wasted and so was Jieun. She was drunk and she said things, and yes, she did fell on my arm so I caught her up to help her. Then, I asked for her driver to come and help me. He was in the club too but he stayed far from us. When he came to help me, I let him and the guard to take her away. We parted ways from there. I went to my car and she went to hers. Nothing. Happened. Between. Us. Please believe me, Chaeyoung."

"Mhmm..I believe you.", she replies with her voice sounds like she is crying softly.

"Do you...I mean...I didn't tell you everything about what happened at the club before. You have the right to be angry with me and scold me. Please don't lie to me if you still doubt me, Chae.", Jungkook really wants to clear everything to her so he does not want her to just say she believes him in order to please him.

Unknown to him, Chaeyoung is actually having a difficult time to not cry during the call. That is why she hardly speak to him. She does not want him to know she is crying. Luckily they are not on a video call or she will be a crying mess seeing him on camera.

"Jungkook, I don't doubt you anymore. Yes, I was when I saw the video. I felt disappointed, angry and confused with it. But, thanks to those people that know you and trust you. They showed me that I should trust you just like they do. So, no. I'm not doubting you anymore or angry with you. I'm sorry for my unusual behaviour for the past days, Jungkook.", Chaeyoung says while holding in her tears. She feels guilty for her lack of interest in texting him and refused to have a call with him.

"It's not your fault, Chae. I told you earlier. You have the right to be angry with me. I didn't tell you everything before this whole video thing came up. I'm the one at fault so I'm sorry, Love. I promise you I'll tell you everything, even the smallest thing of what I do every day after this. I won't let you be confused again, okay?", Jungkook replies as he checks himself at the mirror for the last time.

Chaeyoung feels hard to speak again. Jungkook is trying his best to be the perfect boyfriend for her. She feels like she is the one ruining what they are having right now.

"Chaeyoung? Love, are you there?", Jungkook's voice startled her.

"Yes, I heard you, Jungkook. And I still want to apologise to you. I'm not doing my best as your girlfriend. I lack a lot in terms of trusting and understanding. I don't deserve..."

"Chaeyoung, no. Don't say that. For me, you're not lacking anything. If there's something lacking between us, we'll both try our best to make it whole, okay? Please don't apologise again to me. You're making it hard for me to go do my last duty here, Chae.", he cuts her off as he wears his shoes for the day. "I feel like running away from the last shooting and fly back right at this moment to you, do you know that?", he tells her before his hand reached the doorknob, ready to go for the last shooting of the TV programme to announce the winner of the programme which will be brought to South Korea to train in the youth team of Seoul FC.

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