Day 1: Celebrate with me (Tagatha)

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"Tedros!" Agatha poked his face "Wake up!" Tedros opened his eyes groggily "What?" He mumbled. "Guess what today is" He looked at her, confused "Another boring work day?" Agatha jumped out of bed "No, it's the first day of December witch means we get to buy an advent calendar and decorate for Christmas!!!!" Tedros sat up "I thought you didn't like Christmas?" "Usually I don't," she explained "But that's because everyone is always having fun with their friends and family but I never really got to do that because when I was a kid, my only friend was Sophie and I didn't have much of a family. Then when we went to college we never had time to celebrate." Tedros sat up and kissed her cheek "Well then, I'll make sure you have the best Christmas ever" Agatha smiled "I don't have work today but you do so we'll go get decorations when you come back" "Sounds like a plan" Agatha grabbed her book and walked downstairs while Tedros changed out of his Pj's. He walked downstairs and grabbed an apple "Bye babe" He kissed Agatha on the cheek before walking out the door.

~Time skip brought to you by Anadil's giant rats because I'm lazy~

Agatha had just finished reading her book when Tedros walked in the door "I'm back!" Agatha looked over the couch "Are you ready to go Christmas shopping?" Tedros nodded "Of course I am!" She quickly put on her boots and a light jacket "You know it's pretty cold out there" Tedros pointed out, gesturing to his fluffy coat "I'll be fine" Agatha told him. He shrugged and opened the door for her "I'll drive" She hopped into the car and plugged her phone into the speaker "We obviously need Christmas music"

That's it! It was short but they're all going to be pretty short since I have to write them everyday which is a lot of work for me since I'm usually pretty busy with school. Again, I will definitely need some suggestions so if you comment some that would be greatly appreciated! Anyways, have a good day/night! Bye!!!

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