Chapter 2

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You push open the heavy CCG academy doors ready for class to begin. You don't particularly enjoy attention anyways so you go to the back corner of the class. So far only a couple of students have shown up. As more students pour into the building seats fill. However, no matter what everyone seems to sit away from you.

"Pft" you scuff silently. What's their problem. No one even knows me so why avoid me already.

You begin to wonder off into thought until a strange boy walks into class. He made sure to make a grand entrance.

Oh great another wacko.

"Mr. Suzuya!" The teacher yelled.

"Yes sir!" Susuya said. He was patting his head while winking with his tongue out.

"Don't get off to a bad start already Juuzou, take your seat." Teacher spoke in a calmer tone than last time.

Juuzou Suzuya is his name, just another wacko to deal with.

Juuzou began to wonder around for a seat until he finally spotted one. Right next to you.

Great, the craziest person in the academy is sat next to me. Fabulous.

As Juuzou sat down he brief glanced at you. He didn't feel the need to say anything.

"Hello class, now that everyone is here let's get started! You can refer to me as Mr. Otanoshi." The teacher spoke

Mr. Otanoshi was a tall slender man, you wouldn't never expect him to kill ghouls. He was calm, collected, and you could tell he was intelligent.

As Mr. Otanoshi began his lecture you noticed Juuzou starting out the window. He looked  particularly bored and like he didn't care to know what the teacher was rambling on about.

"We are happy to see all of you! We will see you back tomorrow, don't expect training to be easy tomorrow." Mr. Otanoshi stated as students shuffled out the doors.

You decided to wait till the big crowd was out of the door before you decided to leave. As you wait Mr. Otanoshi called you over to his desk.

"Mrs. L/N is it?" He spoke

"Yes sir." You speak noticing that another pair of eyes are on you. Juuzou is here still, and he is looking right at me.

"May I ask why you decided to join the academy? I am quite puzzled why, usually I can tell but for you it's difficult." Mr. Otanoshi spoke in a cunning tone.

"Well, I am curious. I am curious if the academy can actually make me a better ghoul investigator." You say in a monotone voice.

"It says here in your file that you were found next to two dead ghouls. The CCG thinks you are the one who killed them. Furthermore your file states that the CCG took you in and applied you to the academy immediately. Overall, I'm just curious who exactly are you Y/N L/N."
Mr. Otanoshi says.

"I'm no one special sir." You say longing for this conversation to end already. You still feel juuzous eyes on you. You wonder why he is here still.

"I see. You are dismissed." Mr. Otanoshi says.

"Yes sir, I'll see you tomorrow." You say walking toward the door.

"Suzuya! Why were you eavesdropping on our conversation." You hear Mr. Otanoshi say as you push open the door. You decided to wait on the other side of the door to hear what juuzou has to say.

"I had nothing better to doooooo." Juuzou sang out.

"Or maybe it's cause you find Y/N cuteeee" Mr. Otanoshi stated while trying not to laugh.

They are obviously very close. I wonder how long they have known each other.

"Ughhh Otan you annoying. No way I don't even know her" Juuzou says. You hear him begin to walk toward the door.

"Suzuya see you tomorrow, and Y/N" Mr. Otanoshi shouts while winking at Juuzou as he is opening the doors.

Oh crap! I forgot I was at the door listening in.

You quickly run off before Juuzou can see you.

You decided to go throw knives in the woods to ponder of what Juuzou and Otanoshi were talking about.

Juuzou catches you running off, and for some mysterious reason he follows you.

Juuzou x fem reader (based on anime)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora