Chapter 1

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Bullseye !

Your knife hit the wood target in the same spot for the past 30 minutes. Slowly approaching the beaten up wood targets you go retrieve the 6 knives.

The woods has always been a great place to train for you, especially early in the morning or late at night. This morning you wanted to make sure you got in a tremendous amount of training in.

As your first day at the CCG academy approaches, your thoughts have begun to wonder during training.

"No more" the young girl says to her mother and father

"Sweetie, you know what happens when you talk back like this" the mothers eyes turning black.

"Sandra, we shall not give the demon child another chance, we must eliminate her." The father spoke as his eyes turn the black color as well.

"I agree Shinichi, the one eyed must meet her end. She isn't even ours after all" the mother says lunging at the child.

"Mother and father, stop it or i—"

"You will what? You can't do anything you are just a little one eyed ghoul. Who will never have a home, the humans hate you and so do the ghouls. We are doing you a great favor actually" the father speaks as the child dodges the mothers attacks.

"NO" the child says as one eye turns black.

"She has released he kagune, end her now" the mother instructs.

Blood splatters everywhere

The crimson blood rivers flow down the hardwood floors.

"Goodbye mother and father." Says as a small smile appears on the girls face.

"Well how pleasant" you say snapping out of your thoughts. You haven't thought about your past in a while, after all it's been 2 years.

Ever since you were a child you were considered a prodigy. You have planned to kill your "parents" ever since they took you in. After all, they just wanted to preform tests on you.

The CCG busted into your childhood home and found two ghouls dead. They also found you, a little human girl hiding in a underground lab. The CCG took you in, you decided it would be the best option at the moment. You also decided to hid that you are a one eyed ghoul.

The CCG decided that you could join the academy, you were going to become a ghoul investigator. You didn't mind, after all this could be fun. You enjoy killing after all.

Unlike most you do not dwell on your past experiences. You are not bothered by it all really, after all everyone dies right. This thought process is probably the reason everyone has stayed away from you so far. They don't understand how you have no concept of pain, love, or any other emotion. No one understands.

However, you do not care. You just have one sole role to preform. To attend the CCG academy and become the top ghoul investigator. After all who needs anyone, you have done fine alone this far.

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