The living room was left empty. I touched Mom and Dad's bodies and turned them intangible as I flew them to the lab. Danny did the same despite Jazz's quiet protests.

"Stay here." Danny said. We both transformed."What's your plan in anyway! We don't want you to get hurt!" Mom said."Mom, if they find the lab which is funded by the government...what do you think will happen?" Danny said.

"It won't end well." Jazz said. Mom sighed."Fine. Just be careful please." Mom said and hugged us both."What is our plan in anyway?" Danny asked pulling back. I smirked."What does all ghosts do best?"

"Annoy us?" Danny guessed."No, come on, Danny!" I said."We'll haunt them. Scare them so bad that they want to run away. Mom, you call the cops." I said."Uhhh..." Jazz trailed off.

"Who's going to believe that the house  ghost hunters is haunted?" Jazz said."Well, everyone knows that Mom and Dad experiment with ectoplasm. Say it was a experiment gone wrong or something until they handled it." Danny said and without further discussion we started to lock all the doors, staying invisible of course.

We heard two men in the master bedroom. Danny and I went over there. Slammed the door close and locked it."The frick frack?" The one guy said. This guy swears like Vlad. It's kinda annoying. Danny lifted up the discarded bed sheet and threw it over his face while biting on a piece. Both of the men tried to open the door until they gave up.

One turned around and saw Danny in the sheet."The hell? Is this some prank?" Vlad cusser said. I looked around and saw mom's lipstick. Blood shot red lipstick on a snow white sheet that's hovering in the air... this is going to be epic."Is this some prank?" His partner asked.

I took the lipstick and started to make some weird drawings on it. "Really clever, John!" Vlad cusser shouted at the door. No answer."There's no outside the door, Greg."  Vlad cusser's partner said.

"Well, who else is doing this, Hank?" Greg said. My voice was still pretty deep and evil sounding."Leave this house or be haunted for the rest of eternity." I said. Greg got annoyed and ripped off the sheet from Danny's head only to reveal... nothing but an invisible ghost.

Danny grabbed the lipstick and went over to the mirror as Greg and Hank started to go pale. Danny also drew silly things. It looked like chicken trying to fly but at the same time some weird demon looking thing as well.

The two men let out a girly scream and started to bang at the door where it got one man's attention."THE HOUSE IS HAUNTED!" Both shouted."The hell? You both are terrible pranksters." Must be John.

I grabbed him, making him feel that I'm grabbing him and turned him intangible yanking him through the door. Greg and Hank got startled when John appeared."The hell is going on!" John shouted."Are you pranking us!" Greg and Hank shouted angrily.

"No! This job is serious! I'm not going to prank you like this." He shouted."LeAvE nOw oR SuFfEr!" Danny said as he threw the lipstick into John's face."GET ME OUT OF HERE!" He started to shout as well. I tried really hard no to laugh.

I went to the closet, dramatically opened the door and took one of dad's jumpsuits. I put it on still staying invisible.

Now I looked like the headless guy."LEAVE AND HEATH MY WARNING!!" I said practically acting like a gorilla. Greg and John fell unconscious as I moved closer."Please, don't hurt me!" Hank said. I stood there for awhile with my arms crossed.

I leaned in closer to his face."Boo." I said and that was the tipping point for him. I dropped my invisibility and so did Danny. We started to laugh like crazy."Oh my gosh! That was fun."

"Atlas is missing out." I said. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. Atlas moved back to her mother a month ago, hence why she isn't here right now."I miss her." Danny said."Yeah, the house is so quiet without her."

"Speaking of the house being quiet. It's too quiet now." Danny said. I dropped dad's suit and heard commotion in our room."Oh no they don't." Danny said and turned invisible going to mentioned room.

I followed him and saw a guy trying to get the PlayStation and Computer unplugged."Sound like a little kid giggling." I whispered. Danny didn't have time to protest when I slammed the door closed and of course locked it. I could practically feel Danny's eye roll.

"WHO THE HELL IS SLAMMING THE DOORS!" This guys shouted. Danny started to giggle like a little boy."Will you play with me?" Danny said. The guy started to get goosebumps but he didn't look scared yet. I went to Danny's closet and let his marbles roll out."Marbles..." Danny giggled again.

"John! I swear! If you are pranking us!" He said as he went over to the jar of marbles that I knocked over and inspected it."No strange trigger or anything." He mumbled."The hell is going on?" He stood up to see my bed messed up with two marbles on them.

I recognised them as the two marbles I really liked when I collected them. One was called a ghost due it being see through but white as well. The other one was called a zombie. I thought it was cool. I can't believe Danny still kept them.

"What's your name? Please play with me mister." Danny said."Like hell." He said. This time I threw the pillow at his face full speed. He got caught by surprise and stepped back slipping on the marbles. He groaned in pain feeling the pain in his back. Oof. That's going to leave bruises tomorrow.

"Damn, John." He said. I rolled my eyes. Danny rolled out a old football of his making it stop at his feet. I got an idea and got under Danny's bed making my eyes glow green. The man saw it but once he turned to look, I dimmed them and he couldn't see them.

He rolled to his side making him force to look under the bed. I glowed my eyes again. The moment he saw them, I grabbed his arm and he got scared as he tried to rip his arm back. "Big brother...he doesn't want to play with me. He's a bully." Danny said, sounding sad. By the sound of it he was floating while relaxing.

So in a normal tone of voice and a evil one I may add, I spoke."Big Brother will protect you and then play with you..." I said."ALRIGHT, JOHN! YOU WON!" He sounded. I yanked the guy back down. I still had my fangs and for once I was thankful for it. I came in the light a little."John is asleep." I said in a sadist tone.

"John was fun to play with!" Danny said. The guy really started to feel terrified and he collapsed.

"Got to admit...this ons was more enjoyable." Danny said losing his invisibility. I came out from under bed."Yeah, it was fun. Hey, maybe we should build a haunted house for Halloween." I said.

"Great idea! We could even ask for Fright Knight's help."

"Like that helped when you Dash went at each other with said haunted house." I said."Oh yeah...Fright Knight was mad at me. Haha." Danny said laughing."Anyway. One guy left."

"He's probably downstairs." Danny said. We turned invisible again and went downstairs. We looked out the window to see the cops were on their way.

We found mr. Leader at the lab door trying to open it."Damn door." He said as he typed on his iPad that was plugged into the security panel. He does realise that he needs Fenton DNA for that right?

"This is the police! Come out with your hands in the air!"

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