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A few months later...
Dan's POV
Well, things improved since I woke up. So far Jack and Maddie trust me and even insisted that I should call them Mom and Dad. Internally, I was crying. Externally, I hugged them. It felt nice after ten years.

Jazz trusted me a little bit. I did start a small business of repairing jewelry and such and I made toys like action figures and plushies which only helped when Jazz's favourite necklace broke.

I remembered it being the one our grandmother gave to her for Christmas. I still hate Christmas though. I snuck into her room to get it but she got me in the action. I still got the necklace. She started to chase me around the house and I lost her by using my ghost powers. I transformed, turned intangible and flew to the top of the Op Centre. I sat there inspecting what was broken.

It was only the chain. I quickly fixed it and went down to see she was in her room, angrily hitting the pillow. I knocked on her window to get her attention. She wanted to rip the curtains close but I stopped her by showing her the fixed necklace dangling from my finger. She opened the window.

"You fixed it?" She asked trying to take it. I pulled back."First, we talk." I said."About?" She asked a little annoyed."I know you have every reason not to trust me but all I'm asking is for a chance to proof myself."

"How?" She asked. I turned the necklace intangible and turned it tangible again once it sat perfectly around her neck. She touched the necklace with her fingers tips.

"It just feels weird to me." She said."What? Having three males in the house now?" I asked."No...the thought of...the fact that I know what you are capable off and sleeping across the hall in my brother's room."

"Like Danny said, I had every opportunity to kill anyone near me. I didn't." She looked at me shocking."Did you even notice him putting you close to me deliberately?" I asked. Jazz thought about it for awhile and then frowned.

"Well..." She started."I'm not going to force you to trust me." I said and then left transforming back into my new found human half. I will make sure to protect my human half and this whole family.

I didn't know how soon would be when danger surfaced again.

It was a Friday night A. K. A. game night. We were playing Monopoly. Jazz was winning though and I Danny and I, even though we were working together, we were losing. Mom and Dad also joined but they kept up with Jazz.

Anyway, it was Danny's turn to roll the die and he was excited because if we landed in the spot infront of the beginning block and buy it, we can earn some money back. Danny just rolled the dice when I suddenly flipped the table just when five armed men came in shooting up the place.

I kept my body above Danny and jazz while Dad protected Mom. The bullet round stopped and the guy who I assumed is the leader kicked the table away making it skid away from us tearing up the carpet as it did.

"The hell are you?" I growled."Give me all the valuables in this house and I'll let you live." He said in Russian accent but his English sounded perfected."Just take whatever you want." Mom said.

I looked at her shocked. She was strong as hell and knew martial arts. I felt Danny trying to break free underneath me. The guy didn't say anything and went upstairs."What are you doing, Dan? We can take them." Danny whispered.

"Patience. We need to get Jazz, Mom and Dad to safety first." I said. Jazz looked at us."You two aren't going to do anything. Let them do whatever they want and let them leave." Jazz said."No. We all worked for this. They have no right to just take it." I said."Besides, it's only five guys." I added.

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