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Maddie's POV
"Danny you should go to school." I said at him."Mom, Freakshow is on the lose and I need to find him before he controls me again!!" Danny shouted historically."Danny, the school has offered us to teach them of ghosts and stuff and we need you there." I said."Wait, what?" I
He asked."But what about Freakshow?" He asked."Look, we have a plan, you need to act normal as possible both as Fenton and Phantom and we wait till Freakshow makes his move." I said."Still, the guy is a madman. I can't just sit around and do nothing." Danny said."We now, but don't worry, Freakshow had to get to you before like last time so when you see something suspicious let me know." I said as I left and Danny sighed.

At school
Danny's POV
I was now in assembly hall with the rest of the school. My parents were going to announce their classes to us but I didn't listen to most of it."Hello fellow students and welcome. Jack, my husband, and I are going to give you some self defense classes against ghosts." She started."The new schedule will be handed out at the end of the assembly at the doors. Since my son is Danny Phantom, he is going to give out some tips of what he learned aswell." I sunk into my seat as my ghost sense went off."Oh, boy." I said and luckily and sadly the ghost appeared in front on stage."Enough whelp come out." Skulker said and I transformed and came flying in from up high and punched Skulker with a hard punch."At last I will have your pelt on my wall." He said and I gagged aswell as everyone else.

"Seriously get a better hobby." I said and he growled as he tries to shoot me with his lazers."Stop moving so that I can have you on my trophy wall!!" He shouted and I quickly came in with another punch to his face and it instantly fell off. I picked up his head and pulled out the little blob inside."You act so big yet you are so small...like the Box Ghost." I said as I sucked him up into my Fenton Thermos."Bye Skulker." I said as I closed the lid. For a moment it was silent and then they started to chear for me as I switched back into Fenton. I smiled and walked off the stage."Mom I'm going to put Skulker back into the Ghost Zone, I'll be right back." I whispered and she nodded.

"Okay, be careful." She whispered back and continued her speech as I walked out of the school. I transformed again and flew to my house. While I was flying I was looking for anything suspicious.

Sam's POV
"My cousin is so awesome!!" Atlas said."He sure is, but he shouldn't be doing this, I hate seeing him get hurt." I said."Your right, but think as it this way. Danny is using his powers for the greater good and everyone finally saw it...in a disgusting way." She said."Yeah, I think I might need therapy for that." Tucker said and I nodded."That was pretty disgusting." Dani said."...and I am proud to say that Danny Phantom is my son." Jack said as everyone clapped hands for his speech.

Jack and Maddie went to the only two entrances and started to give out schedules out as we exited the hall."Hey Sam, here's for you all the same schedule." Maddie said as she gave me five schedules."Uh, thanks Mrs Fenton." I said as I took it and gave one to Tucker, Dani, Atlas and myself, the last for Danny."Well maybe it ain't such a bad thing for the world to know that Danny is half human." Tucker said."Yeah, but people won't leave him alone." I said."Yeah, but there's nothing you can do about it know." Atlas said to me."Actually there is, but we can't tell anyone for safety reasons." I quickly added and she nodded in understanding.

Danny's POV
I flew back tto school and landed in Mr Lancer's classs out of breath."Sorry I'm late Mr Lancer." I said."No need for excuses Mr Fenton, but why were you late?" He asked."Well I have to put the ghost back into the Ghost Zone and while I was doing that three ectopuses escaped so I had to capture three more ghosts." I said."Ectopuses?" Atlas asked."They are ghosts that looks like Octopuses but they are Ecto so we called them Ectopuses." I explained as I transformed back into Fenton and went to my seat.

"Here's your new schedule." Sam said as she gave me a paper."Thanks." I said as I unfolded the paper and took a quick look at it.

Monday (schedule)
Ghost Class
Ghost Hunting
Ghost Class
Ghost Class
Ghost Class

All ours are the same since your mom wants us to be together for in case a emergency." Sam said and I was really grateful for that."Thank Clockwork." I mumbled as I continued to listen at Mr Lancer's lesson but I couldn't concentrate.

What does Freakshow want?
Why does he want it?
What is going to happen to me?
What about Atlas, she needs to know but I don't want to put her in danger.

What can I do?

Danny Phantom: The Show of a Freak.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora