Chapter 2

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Thanks again for reading, and I do hope you enjoy it. Please comment and vote. I would love to hear your thoughts!

Also, because it is Thanksgiving break, I will not be posting next week.


I sat near the lake, throwing rocks in the lake as it skipped in the lake. It was on the outskirts of the castle, and only a few people came here. Mostly off the radar, though.

I felt the cool rocks and concentrated on the rock itself, trying to skip the rock.

"What was I thinking walking out like that," I voiced out loud.

They probably thought I was strange for doing that.

I didn't even respond when Bellatrix called out to me.

"I am such a horrible friend, Alina!"

Turning behind me, I looked at the light brown snake with dark brown lines. Its red eyes look at me, confused as to why I was so angry.

The rock plunked into the water and did not skip as it was attended to do. I sighed, upset with this result.

I picked up Alina as she wrapped around my hands, swaying her tongue at me.

Although most of my family hated me, they never permitted me to have pets—one time, I had made the mistake of bringing a rabbit.

My delightful cousin thought it would be funny to show me how quickly a rabbit could die. He shot a Crucio spell at the rabbit, causing it to groan in pain.

I tried my best to save the bunny, but it was never the same. As punishment for keeping this secret pet, my Aunt ordered me to kill it.

I could not sleep for a week after that.

Looking at Alina, she extended out, comforting me.

I had saved this snake some time ago after some Gryffindor students were torturing it. Typical of them to pick on snakes.

I met her before my eventful meeting with Bellatrix. She was my first friend I met at Hogwarts. I wanted to bring her into my room, but I knew she already had a traumatic experience being in the school.

Alina was also the keeper of all my secrets, especially my deepest secret about my mother and her strange abilities.

"Whatsss wrong," asked Alina in a concerned tone.

My mother, although she had magical abilities, was not human. She, in fact, was a Veela that lived in the Slovakia Forrest. My father was part of the Avery family.

A real pure-blood wizard and the first pride and joy of the family. He was their ticket to the big leagues for recognition.

He was the smartest, intelligent, and most handsome Avery they had ever had.

Like my father, he knew of the pressures I went through.

On a trip to Slovakia, he obtained a rare item, but a certain Veela caused him to fall in love.

My mother was a free spirit, not bound by anything. My father instantly fell in love with her.

My mother, intrigued by this man who was so wound up, soon fell in love with him.

It was a real love story—a love between a Veela and Wizard.

The Avery family was not happy about this. They cast out my parents, but they did not care.

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