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Devyn's POV-

The minutes went by slower than ever. Waiting for something climatic to happen. Constantly on the edge of my seat, picking at whatever I could.

Surely there were other people occupying the train aswell, so if anyone were to attempt or even kidnap us. They would be seen; I think.

"I'm sure it's nothing.." Lukas mumbled into my ear, pushing the strands of my hair from my hair. He could tell I was slightly worried.

I gave him a reassuring nod, with a heavy sigh slipping my lips. Certainly all the words in the world wouldn't make the uneasy feeling of my stomach leave.

Pansy had her wand gripped tightly in her hand, along with Blaise and Theo doing the same. It seemed odd that us being the age of 18, returning for the makeup 7th year that was interrupted by the battle, that we were fighting for our lives. As if our years were on repeat.

I wanted to find Draco.

That seemed stupid. Yes, the fact that he completely discarded me, and here I am worrying for his stupid life. But surely, I've come to know that no matter how many times I say I don't still love him, doesn't mean it's true. One can't just control how they feel; feelings control them. They lead a person.

Mine was leading to him.

To be quite honest, they always have, always will. Hopefully he can one day say the same to me.

"Well- if they are here, then we need to get Malfoy, have the group stick together." Theo suggested. Sitting forward, with his hands placed to the middle table of the cart.

"He's with Greenweed, I'm sure if Lanet comes back, she can pour a drink on his head." Pansy retorted, fiddling with her braided strand.

I gave her a look. Blaise shot a punch to her shoulder, returning the many hits she did to him whenever he said something out of line.

"Too soon.." She faded out.

"I'll go get Draco-" My mouth spoke quicker then processing.

Lukas shunned a stare to me, I felt his eyes to my profile, to which I chose to ignore.

"I'll go with you.." Lukas courageously began to fully sit up.

"No-" I Immediately said. Which earned Lukas's eyebrows to furrow in confusion.

-I mean he won't come with..if your with me." I added on, trying my best to resonate a compelling tone.

Which- What I said was true. If Draco saw Lukas by my side, his grudge would grow even thicker. He wouldn't budge to come sit with the group in our cart, which could put himself at risk. I can't have that.

"She's right.." Blaise contributed. Blaise knew Draco better than anyone, he knew I was accurate.

Lukas sighed, observing every move I made to stand up from the bench.

"Just bring your wand- and please... please be careful." Lukas reluctantly advised. Handing me my wand with his fingertips, holding a little bit too long to my hand.

I gave a rushed smile to him, reaching for my wand with my left hand, sliding the door open with the right.

A deep breath escaped my body as I crept out, slowly shutting the door behind me. Preparing to get Draco, come back, and wait patiently for whatever went down next.

The lights were still nonexistent, darkness encountering every inch of the train. Cold shivers aching through each nerve my body produced. God it felt terrifying, but learn to face your fears, no matter the circumstances. Lesson learned as a child.

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