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Devyn shivered. The cold breeze whispered through her ears. Sending cool air throughout her figure.

She found herself walking circles in this damn forest. Not finding her way at all.

"Fucking stupid ass motherfucker-" she whispered. Holding her wand as her only guard of weapon.

"Lumos" She casted.

A bright white light emerged from the tip of her long wand.

Relief slightly washed over her. Knowing she now had at least a slight bit of vision. Out of the darkness.

Nothing but her casted shadow, reflecting from the ground due to the minuscule light projected.

Still pacing the forest she made her way to somewhat of large oak trees. Deep bark covered the outlines.

She sat herself down. Taking a short break from the exhausting wondering she accomplished.

But there was nothing to do. No one to talk to. Just her and the endless ideas of the damaged mind she had.

"Well what the fuck now?" she said to herself. Call her crazy, but she began to converse.

"Well I don't know Dev, maybe if you weren't so bloody stupid you'd find a way out of this mess." She answered herself.

Her fingers traced the structure of the ground. Picking at dead crisp leaves. Chipping off pieces and rolling them slightly between her fingertips.

The night was still young, in fact barely even begun. And yet she still felt over herself. Over everything.

Worst of all, every small movement, every tiny noise made, spooked the shit out of her. She felt completely helpless.

Desperately she began to shut her eyes. She was tired. God was she so fucking tired.

She drifted to the first stage of sleep. The episode where she's barely awake, half conscience.

Just as she stepped into her dreams, she shot up.

Heart beating faster then the time ticking. She gripped her wand once more. Searching the dark air for any face, or maybe Ron?

Frantically, she stood up. Walked almost counted to be the small of three steps. Holding her breath because she was exhaling too loudly.

She listened closely, but nothing was to be heard. Just the roaring wind, the breezing leaves.

"Note to self : Don't go out by yourself and next time remember you Fucking hate nature." She slumped back down. Her back stabilized by the trunk of the oak tree.

She tried again, just once more to find peaceful rest that was overly necessary.

But the distractions of something creeping up to her took way to much space. Her thoughts raced like a train in her infinite head.

She audibly let out a groan. Picking herself up and walking once more.

Holding her wand to guide her presence, she made her way back. Attempting to retrace any steps she took to land her lost.

Approximately ten minutes of her dreaded walking passed. Only Dev would have no luck.

And she didn't have anything close to scoring. Stumbling on her own feet, just to example how worn out she was.

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