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Blaise was first to enter the room, then Theo, lastly Draco.

Nothing pleasant was to come out of this situation, but Ron made that first mistake by slapping Devyn's fucking face.

Ron was still in his previous position, hands holding his head, sitting heavy on the bed.

As the door opened once more, Ron's head peered up.

"Ronald Weaselbee" Theo announced, well kore yelled, as he walked in.

"The great all fucking mighty women hitter!" Blaise added, with his hands waived up.

Draco remained silent.

"Do you have anything to say for your actions? , speak now or forever hold your peace-" Blaise chuckled, still hand holding a bottle of whiskey.

Ron was clearly crying, his tear stained cheeks were red and flustered. His hands clenched tightly in balls at the statements that were being said.

"Devyn-" Ron only acknowledged her. Looked up through water brimming in his eyes.

"Please I'm sorry- I-I don't know what happened, it just happened, I really didn't mean to-

Ron was truly stuttering.

"Oi shut it! No one bloody cares if you meant it".." You still fucking slapped a girl" Pansy stated, delicately examining her nails with her eyes.

Ron stayed blank, his expression painted a somewhat dull color. He was willing to take a beating from the three boys, yet couldn't even talk to them.

"Times up!" Theo pretended to look at his watch.

And Devyn swore, minutes clicked slower as Theo, Blaise and Draco deemed close to Ron. Dev felt a pang of guilt in her gut, knowing Ron was getting pummeled due to her incompetent actions.

Theo loudley cracked his knuckles as a form of intimidation, and brimmed inches apart to Ron's pale face.

And in 3 seconds a fight would appear. Ron vs Theo, Draco and Blaise.


There was nothing but silence.


Ron looked to Devyn.


"Wait-" Devyn spoke. Her hands moving forward to pull back Theo's fist. She knew she was just on time, because she heard no blows landing.

Theo turned his neck to face Devyn, his eyes filled with all annoyance because he was beating up Ron on her behalf.

"What." Theo snapped.

"There's no good to come out of this-" Devyn inched closer to the boys.

"And we should listen to you, why?" Draco spoke, unhooking his black ties from his collared shirt.

Why should Draco listen to Devyn? He never has, and probably never will.

"I'll do it myself." The girl spoke, she shocked even herself.

Everyone was confused, and when I mean everyone, I mean every single person in that damn room.

With all eyes on Devyn, she walked boldly to Ron.

She began to shake her hand out, as if she was preparing her fist for some type of pain.

And without any amount of warning, Devyn's fist collided with Ron's clenched jaw. Within the few seconds it took for her punch to land, everyone gasped. Whether that be out of surprise or excitement. She didn't care, because she knew the Slytherin boys would do more damage that Devyn could ever produce.

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