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exciting chapter, kinda long heheh I HATE ASTORIA BITCH ASS MOTHERFUCKER..have fun reading :) also if u watch Euphoria...bro those two episodes that are coming out best BE LONG.

Devyn's POV-

Sick of Draco's games. His riddles that he kept spurting out all the time, the worst part is that I would stick by him though everything. But to call me a slut?

If he thinks studying with someone is a "slutty" move, but not him being with Astoria 24/7. Then he certainly needs to get his priorities fixed.

It was saturday, with the weather being cold and windy. Nights were getting longer, and everyone was burning out. Last year at Hogwarts. Soon I can leave.

Theo, Pansy, Blaise, and Lukas invited me to hang out with them at Hogsmeade. Somewhere I haven't been to in ages, but it would be a good break to leave the school property.

We rode the express sitting in the Slytherin cart. Usually I don't sit here... like ever, but since the whole group was that certain house, I found it an acception.

Blaise spoke about Draco most of the time.I was getting sick of it, his constant pestering. But I did agree with Blaise to find it obnoxious that Atstoria always kisses Draco in the hallways, or how she hangs all over him.

Made me want to stab myself with a dull butterknife, over and over again.

"She's not even that pretty-" Pansy bodly spoke, her head rested on Blaise's shoulder, braiding her hair once again.

I was seated next to Lukas, his head was placed in my lap, throwing small pieces of chocolate to his mouth. Theo sat next to Blaise.

"It's definitely her ass.." Theo chuckled, continuing to unbutton and button his jacket.

"Theodore!" Pansy slapped his chest with her backhand harshly.

"What- It's true.." He withered down with his comment.

Pansy sucked her teeth, "Devyn has a better ass anyways so it doesn't matter.." she winked to me.

Lukas choked on his food.

"Woah Lukas- deep throating that chocolate too much?" Blaise laughed.

"I bet Pansy wants to deepthroat your chocolate.." Theo retaliated to Blaise, which further made Pansy's face go red. Blaise just daggered Theo with stares. I couldn't help but giggle.

"Weren't you friends with Astoria?" Theo raised his eyebrows to Pansy.

Yes she was. But Pansy changed, Astoria didn't.

"Past Tense!" She almost yelled, "Not after this stunt she pulled with Malfoy.." She let off.

"You put Frost in the Hospital from your *prank* gone wrong WITH Astoria-" Theo pressed her.

Pansy rolled her eyes, clenched her knuckles. "Yes okay. Not my fucking proudest moment, but it wasn't supposed to harm her..." She Looked to me. Suddenly it felt very awkward.

"It's fine-" I stumbled with those words, because I spent most of the month in the hospital wing. And they ever actually apologized.

"No. It's not... and I'm sorry I did that." She grabbed my hand from across the cart, "I was a stuck up whore, k? If I knew you not, I wouldn't ever do that.." She let go.

"Aw how self aware you are Pans!" Blaise squeezed her cheeks.

Pansy glared, "You're not getting head for a good week-" She slapped his hands off.

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