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The way Devyn ran so fast, she thought her feet would fall off, or her lungs would give out.

Her breath was peppering, every second she hadn't found Harry, it was a second too late.

Empty places some filled with clueless students, some not. Some rather busy.

Her eyes gleamed when she spotted the familiar ginger boy.

"Ron. Ron Have you see-" Breath " -Seen Harry?" Her hands now placed on the tops of her thighs, her back down, heaving loudly.

Ron was dumbfounded. Eyes shocked and wide as this girl who grasped every breath she took.

"Down there.." His finger pointed slowly. A spitting image of Harry fleeting through the hallway. Wand tightly held in hand and God she swore his muscles tensing up.

Without a shadow of doubt Dev took off once more. Her steps hitting the ground loudly as she sprinting to him. Harry would do something he'd regret. And she knew it.


He wasn't running yet she still couldn't fully reach him. He was angrily walking. Pacing through every space to look for Malfoy.

And without her luck, he found him. Spotted the top his white blonde hair. His figure tall, so definitely not hard to pick through from a crowd.

Malfoy was formed in his usual preferred group. Theo, Blaise, Pansy and those who chose to hang around him elsewhere. His hands peered strong against the fold of his pockets. His back leaned gently against of the widow. He stood against the piece, adjudged intimidation.

He snapped forward within observation of a charging Harry potter stringing to him.

Devil. A twisted smile grew to his face.

The show was starting.

Devyn slowed her pace within reaching a few feet from the two boys. Harry with his wand raised straight to Malfoy's throat, and the blonde one standing sluggish. Not even phased.

"Wait. " She spoke loudly. Harry's movements twitched. Her beseeching tone grieved to beg.

"Did you hurt her?" Harry ostentatiously said.

Malfoy didn't speak a single word. Only his fingers moved. Tapped rhythmically upon the frame.

"Did you HURT HER?" Harry's repetitive words echoed through the hall. Drawing way too much attention to them.

"She hurt herself." Malfoy's flat tone eased within the room.

"Malfoy stop." Devyn warend the boy. Her eyes glared, warning him.

Finally, the blonde boy stepped off the wall. Almost skipped in his step as he paced forward. He towered over her.

"No no.. Tell everyone. Devy.."

Her figure grew statue stiff. She swore if she pressed her fingernails any deeper to her palms she'd draw blood.

But the shock factor as she couldn't speak. Couldn't stick up for herself like she would often.

Where was that Gryffindor confidence.

"Lay off mate-

An ally. Finally. The unexpected of the group spoke up for her.


Malfoy stayed quiet. Retreated slowly to his place he once stood before. A part of Dev relaxed. Maybe relief washed over her, thinking the confrontation was finally over.

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