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In the dark depths of the night, as rain fell down from the thundering darkness of the clouds, landing onto the steel buildings and the solid concrete floor, and the sound of Thunder soon broke through the darkness of the rain falling city. But on the very top of a building that was made out of bricks, stood a young boy with fluffy and spiky silver hair, as he camouflage with the darkness, he was dressed in all black with a pitch black hoodie, long white sleeves covering his pale and long arms dirty lilac shorts with white edges, and very similar purple and white shoes, whose name was Killua Zoldyck.

As silence and darkness had welded up all over Killua, the silence soon broke as little children on the rainy road started to chatter and play as they were passing a soccer ball, while catching Killua's attention, he looked over to see where the boys were playing.

"I got it!" Said the child.

"Over here! Over here!" Said another child.

"Pass it!" Said the third child.

"I'll keep it away" Said the fourth child.

As Killua saw these four children playing in the darkness of the rainy streets, he only stared at them for a second and then turned a blind eye, as he closed his eyes, turned his  head away from the four happy children, as he began to enter his own silencing, dreary, and inner thoughts, while the whole atmosphere was quiet.

As Killua was just standing their on top of the bricked building and thinking to himself with little rain droplets landing on the top of his hoodie, to his short black sleeved shoulders, to his white long sleeved arms, to his pale and white palms, to his dirty lilac shorts, and finally to his purple and white edged shoes, he then, heard a very familiar and bone chilling voice from all the way to his back.

"What are you thinking about?" Said the voice.

Upon reacting to this bone chilling voice, Killua's peaceful and quiet thoughts were rudely interrupted, as his sapphire and blue eyes quickly shot open like a bullet, as he began to slowly turn around to this familiar voice, and just like thought who it was, he saw that it was his older brother, Illumi.

"Big brother. You've been there long?"

"You know me. I'm always here. And I am always watching over you. Especially on important missions such as this." Said illumi.

Killua quickly turns around to the front, as he had a very annoyed expression on his face and in annoyance to his older brother, he says, "I do fine on my own, you know."

"That simply won't do. See, turning you into a professional assassin is my duty as your older brother." Said Illumi.

As Killua heard his older brother, he just simply rolls his eyes in annoyance and thinking to himself how many times do I have to hear him say that over and over and over and over and over and over again.

Then, in a split of a minute, two black limousine's came rolling by where the building that Killua was standing on, as two men in all black suites came out of the car, waiting for their client to come out of the brick building.

As soon as Killua saw the two black limousine's and the two bodyguards, Killua's entire atmosphere turned pitch black as he hid his face with his fluffy and snow white bangs along with the top of his pitch black hoodie.

"Only reveal your bloodlust when you kill, and until then, think of yourself as mere object." Said Illumi.

As Killua had heard his older brother say that, his head was down as he was looking down at his feet and he still had his dark atmosphere and hiding his face with his bangs and pitch black hoodie, the only thing Killua could do was nod in agreement as he said in a very unemotional and dead tone, "Right."

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