Chapter 5

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B-Big... Brother?" Killua's eyes widened in complete fear, shock, and distress. His cold breath was broken and his hands to all the way to his body started to shake in complete fear.

The one standing before him, was his ultimate fear. It was his older brother. Standing before him. Right there. In the center of that room. They were face to face. The last time he saw him was...

"What is this? What's my brother doing here?"

As Wendy saw Killua's distress and unbelievable terror in his sapphire blue eyes, she saw that he was being affected by this figure and started to believe that was actually his brother.

In reaction towards seeing her cheeky and mischievous childhood friend turning into a silent, fearful, and suffering person, she turns to him, preventing him from seeing his older brother and only focusing on her.

She puts her hands on both of Killua's shoulders as she shakes him two times, trying to get him to come to his senses. "Snap out of it, Killua! It's just a puppet!"

"Ki-Ki-Ki-Ki-Ki-Ki-Ki..." Said his older brother.

After hearing Killua's name being stuttered, Wendy turns around with an angry expression on her face as Killua just continued to stand there with fear and distress in his eyes.

"Yeah, I know that, but still...

"Ki-Ki-Ki-Ki-Ki-Ki...Ki. Kil... why do not heed my warnings? Why did you ignore my advice and insist on making friends, Kil? How many times must I tell you? If you make friends, they will inevitably betray you. Or perhaps you mage friends so you could betray them yourself?" Said his older brother.

Killua just stares at his older brother for a minute or two as he then silently gasps, his facial expression started to change, as he looked like he was about to say something back at his brother, but something inside him was preventing that from happening.

"You're wrong!" He finally said, to which Wendy immediately reacted to as she quickly grabbed his arm and said, "Killua!" showing that, just by her tone of voice, to not respond or talk to to his older brother.

"It's fine. I'm no longer going to expect anything from you. My eyes will no longer watch over you, because now my eyes reflect nothing but the darkness." Said his older brother.

When his older brother finally opened his eyes, they both saw pitch blackness. No pupils. No eyeballs. It was nothing but a pitch blackness abyss.

"Which is why I was ordered here to take your eyes." Said his older brother.

Wendy waved her hand in front of Killua's body like a shield. That's never going to happen! You'll have to get through me first!"

However, in a flash, Killua's older brother was immediately in front of Wendy. Upon seeing this, in bewilderment, Wendy gasps at the such speed, but not a second later, Wendy was knocked by Killua's older brother and smashed onto the hard and old wall, leaving a big hole for Wendy to, now being covered into.


"Ki-Ki-Kil..." Said his older brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2021 ⏰

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