The two began chatting about what they were doing and eventually the topic of romance came up while Iroh was leading her to the blacksmith "Ahh I see, you have fallen for the blind earthbender. When I talked with her it seemed you two had a close connection and which has now bloomed into the beautiful flower of romance." (Y/N) smiled as she seemed so mesmerised by how knowledgeable and wise he was, but eventually their time came to an end. Iroh bid farewell and began walking off, while (Y/N) walked towards the blacksmith who currently wasn't making anything.

(Y/N) gave a small smile to the blacksmith who just gave her a grumpy look, the blacksmith leaned over the counter saying in a grumpy and annoyed "What is it you want, cause I can't do it today" (Y/N) looked a little confused saying "how come?" The blacksmith rolled his eyes saying "listen my oven has burnt out and it'll take days for it to heat up again so scram!" (Y/N) jolted back in surprise and sighed, she was just about to leave but then got an idea "Say What if i had a way to heat it up right now" To which the blacksmith let out a loud laugh saying "sure ya can, say if you could i'd do your order for free" (Y/N) smirked and said "One quick question, what's your opinion on firebenders" The man looked at her confused saying "they mean nothing to me" To which (Y/N) quickly jumped over the counter and went to the oven "then observe"

She created a small flame in her hand and shot it at the furnes increasing the temperature so much she began to sweat, eventually the oven was glowing red hot and the Blacksmith just stared in disbelief before laughing a little. He smiled saying "not bad kid, i haven't seen a firebender in years" (Y/N) walked up to him and handed him a couple silver coins "now if you don't mind I would like a pendant with this design on it, that could fit on a necklace" She took out a slip of paper and handed it to him along with the coins, the man nodded saying "Come back in about 2 hours, your order will be ready by then..." The man earthbender a piece of rock and broke it to reveal a shimmering iron ore, (Y/N) took her leave thanking the man as she headed on out.

After an hour of roaming the lower ring she went to the upper ring to check out some of the more fancy and expensive places, luckily she was wearing more casual clothes which drew a little attention but not all that much. She noticed a prettied up Katara and Toph walking over a bridge and was about to head over to say hi, but three girls walked by basically laughing at Toph and making fun of her. (Y/N) overheard everything and was about to step in but Toph handled it quite well by making the girls fall into the water below and katara using waterbending swept them away in (Y/N)'s direction where she was going to have her own fun.

She ran to the edge of the creek and said "You okay ladies?!" in a all concerned voice, the girls looked at her and told her what happened basically making everything up "I saw everything so dont worry" She offered a hand which on of the girls gladly took before (Y/N) let go letting her fall in again ".....oh by the way I also heard everything...bye bye~" She walked off the the biggest grin on her face.

After a while of walking through the upper ring she got bored and noticed the two hours were almost up, while it was still bright (Y/N) still had a couple things to set up so she quickly headed on over to a couple stores buying some things while on the way to the blacksmith. She entered the blacksmith's store with the man looking over at her saying "oh hello hot hands, you came at the perfect time" (Y/N) laughed a little at the man's nickname for her and looked that in the man's hands was exactly what she wanted, she smiled and took it saying "Thank you so much". The man chuckled and said "listen I'm sorry about before, I don't really like anyone from this city but I'm glad I met you. I am Panzo" He smiled and (Y/N) said "I am (Y/N), just a humble traveler". Panzo nodded saying "I hope i will see you again!" as (Y/N) walked out waving towards him.


By now It was pretty dark and (Y/N) was done setting up, she sighed as she walked towards the house a little nervous about how tonight would go. She entered and everyone was in there doing their own thing, Sokka was the first to notice and gave (Y/N) a thumbs up to which she rolled her eyes. It seemed that Aang, Katara and Sokka were all grinning widely since the boys probably told Katara when she got to the house with Toph. (Y/N) walked towards Toph who was just laying around with the makeup still on " Oh hey (Y/N) where have you been?" she asked tilting her head towards (Y/N), with (Y/N) just saying she had to do something. Toph nodded and then asked "Then why is your heart beating so fast?" she stood up and crossed her arms "Well...I wanna take you somewhere" .

Toph looking a little confused accepted and so her and (Y/N) began walking towards the spot, it was a secluded part of in a field of the outer wall, there was a small blanket and a basket of food laid you with a small candle illuminating the place. Toph smiled saying "I may not be able to see it but did you seriously plan a picnic" she laughed and nudged (Y/N)'s side joking, to which (Y/N) said "well, I mean I wanted to spend some time with just us" Toph shrugged saying "as long a you brought food I'm happy".

The two sat down together just talking about their day and eating all the goods that (Y/N) brough, Toph who was in the middle of eating something said "(Y/N) are you sure you're okay, your heart rate is really quick" she swallowed and (Y/N) sighed saying "well I'm just a little nervous that's all" Toph looked a little confused looking over at (Y/N) was "why?, it's just me and you".....(Y/N) took a deep breath pulling herself together.

She faced Toph and held her hands saying "Listen this could go two ways, either we both are happy or I end up sad..." Toph cut in saying "What's that supposed to mean" To which (Y/N) interrupted her saying "I like you Toph...okay, I have for a while and I just never realised it since I never got to see the real you until we joined Aang." (Y/N) stayed silent for a little bit but then continued "You just make me feel all these weird emotions and that's why I wanted to hear it today if you liked me back or not, I can make this feeling of uncertainty go away. So please tell me the truth when I ask, Toph will you be my girlfriend..."

The air grew thick and the night became silent, it felt like hours just waiting for a response from Toph, after a minute or so (Y/N) with a heavy heart let go of Toph's hands to which Toph quickly yanked (Y/N) into a hug and said "Yes of course" (Y/N)'s heart swelled with Joy as those words were uttered and she hugged back tightly not saying anything and just enjoying the moment. Toph pulled back saying "I'm glad you confessed because I wasn't going to do it anytime soon" The two laughed and (Y/N) pulled out a small box saying "I got you something even if the confession went well or wrong so here" she pulled out a small necklace with a small pendant hanging from it which was a flying boar and surrounded by flames, Toph felt it with her finger just rubbing over it. Toph smiled putting a hand on (Y/N)'s cheek "Thank you, this is...very thoughtful of you" (Y/N) smiled and helped put the necklace on Toph.

Toph smiled softly holding (Y/N)'s hands, then pulled her back down so they were face to face right in front of each other. She then said "Well just because your my girlfriend doesn't mean I won't treat you any differently from before you know that" (Y/N) laughed and said "Well I didn't expect you to anyways". The two girls laughed and Toph pulled their faces close, so close that their noses were touching "so whos gonna make the first mo-" before Toph could even finish (Y/N) had already pressed her lips onto Toph. The two sat there closely entwined before parting "Woah...." (Y/N) said dreamily,to which Toph laughed saying "not bad". Suddenly rain began to fall down and the two girls quickly scrambled to pack everything up and they both ran in the rain laughing together....

Toph x Fem Reader [Do it for her]Where stories live. Discover now