Chap 24

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Hey guys sorry for posting late, I just needed a bit of a break from the double uploads and I think I'll go back to doing normal  weekly uploads.  This weeks Chap is a bit shorter but hey we have a lot of fluff and ate moments so hope that makes up for it, but anyways bye bye.


The Gaang had been traveling for quite a while now since the river town they had been soaring high in the air and the gang all were just relaxing on Appa. (Y/N) was playing a small card game with Sokka while Toph and Katara were talking with each other peacefully. For now.

After a couple rounds of playing and (Y/N) being on a winning streak (Y/N) listened in on the conversation with Katara and Toph "So what are you planning to do?" Katara seemed to ask Toph, interested in what Toph was saying. Toph only let out a small shrug "I dunno, I just want to do something special". (Y/N) was really curious now and leaned a little towards the girls not concentrating on the game at all.

Sokka let out a loud "AHA!!" as he slammed down a card with a big smile on his face "I win!!!" He flicked (Y/N)'s forehead as he seemed to notice her not paying attention, "Hey! What was that for?" Sokka let out a small snicker saying "You listening in on their girl talk" (Y/N) sputtered out some excuses left and right, but it wasn't enough to convince Sokka with (Y/N) eventually giving up and accepting defeat "Yeah it was interesting, but now i missed it because of you!" She whisper shouted towards him and flicked his forehead "Hey!" he said rubbing his forehead with his cards still in hand.

(Y/N) threw the cards down on Appa and just slouched down a little, Sokka poked her arm and said "Hey don't look so gloomy, they were probably talking about something boring that didn't involve you" He said making a small hand gesture as he talked, while he scooched over next to (Y/N) who was sitting a little further away from the girls than before, now even more slouched over and also pointing towards the ground.

Sokka sighed regretfully and said "Y-you gotta stop you're making me feel so......emotional and mushy" He said shivering a little, (Y/N)'s pouting went away and now melted into a huge smirk. She began to fake some sniffles as if she were crying and Sokka instantly froze up knowing Toph would kill him if she found out he upset (Y/N), he panicked and quickly pat her back saying "don't cry (Y/N)! I'm sorry!!......" He did his absolute best thinking to himself 'Toph's gonna kill me!!!' in his head.

(Y/N) was having such a good time making Sokka panic she began laughing. Blowing her cover. Sokka looked confused and a little mad saying "You were faking!!!!, my life just flashed before my eyes!!" (Y/N) laughed even harder which grabbed the attention of Toph, Katara and Aang. "What's (Y/N) laughing about, one of Sokka's bad jokes?" Katara asked with a small smile as Sokka gasped, looking really offended "I take pride in my jokes!!."

(Y/N) eventually stopped laughing and wiped the tears that had formed in the corner of her eyes while the rest of the group still looked a little confused as to why she was laughing earlier. Sokka sighed eventually explaining the situation to the group, everyone tried to be serious about it but it was clear all of them except Sokka were trying to hold in their laughs "Go on you can laugh" Sokka said in a disappointed tone as the rest of them burst into hysteria.

Aang almost fell off Apps from how hard he was laughing but airbended himself back onto Appa continuing to laugh, Toph was holding her sides because of how much they hurt from laughing and Katara was on her back still laughing. Meanwhile Sokka just stared at them all like some kind of disappointed father with crossed arms, (Y/N) had stopped laughing before everyone else and said "Wow Sokka I've never seen everyone laughing so much" He groaned and looked at (Y/N) saying "I don't know why but people laugh at my misery." Sokka's face dug deep into his hands as he just groaned more.

After a long while of laughing from the group and discussion about it they noticed a small fire nation village and decided to set up camp just outside of it, as Appa landed (Y/N) jumped off with her backpack and sighed saying "I really need to sleep, i'm tired even if it is still day. Toph can you please make me a tent" Toph seemed to smile a little, but not normally but.....schemingly??? She did it anyways and went up to (Y/N) saying "Sleep well, I'm going into town. Come on Sugar Queen!!."

(Y/N) found it a little strange that she chose Katara to come with her but shrugged it off and went to sleep, but as she slept she subconsciously began listening into Aang's and Sokka's conversation. It seemed Aang was just talking about something random which Sokka seemed to genuinely question, so (Y/N) just tuned out until she heard Aang say "So why do you think Toph went into town??" Her head quickly perked up and Sokka's voice was heard "I dunno, I think they might be planning something?" he looked suspicious and (Y/N) sighed to herself and just drifted back to sleep.


There was a sudden shaking which made her jolt up and awake, she quickly looked around and it was pretty dark and the moon shone brightly and illuminated a silhouette in the dark "W-What, who are you" (Y/N) grumbled out lighting a small flame in her hand, it illuminated the figure which turned out to be Toph, (Y/N) looked so confused and Toph just pulled her up saying "Get up, I wanna show you something"

(Y/N) rubbed her eyes as Toph led (Y/N) through the forest and towards a small cliff, there was a small red and gold blanket on the cliff, there were some pillows set on there, a book and a small light around the place. Toph smiled a little and said "I hope katara actually set it up right or else she's going down the cliff, but uh tah dah" (Y/N) smiled and laughed softly hugging Toph.

The blind earthbender hugged her back with (Y/N) saying "What is all this for?" she walked towards the blanket with Toph to which she responded with "Well since we always get interrupted, I wanted to take the time for you to read the book with me" she sat down basically dragging (Y/N) down with her. To which (Y/N) only laughed and made herself comfortable on the pillows as Toph leaned against her.

She cleared her throat saying "Okay where were we up to?" Toph quilt responded saying "Where the our main dude is about to fight that old guy who looks super young because he got got stuck in the world for so long" (Y/N) laughed saying "Well aren't you eager" Toph punched her arm with a smile causing (Y/N) to laugh and begin reading.

~As Brani walked towards the stadium he looked around in pure awe at the atmosphere, it was almost like a dream land full of glowing mushrooms and strange creatures and everything was very glowy and bright but also being secluded in a dark cave which only made the glowing plant glow brighter. The now loud roars of the audience became more apparent to the Earthbender as he entered towards the stadium, it was filled with strange creatures of all different shapes and sizes.

Brani walked towards his designated seat as the show began there was a rumble and it seemed like fire erupted from the center of the stadium and a young man appeared from the fire. He controlled the fire through his movements which astounded the audience but Brani could tell this man was a firebender......~

After a while of reading there were soft snores heard from beside (Y/N) and she looked over to see a now asleep Toph resting against her, she book marked the page and blew out the light letting the darkness consume the once lit up area.

Slowly (Y/N) fell asleep while just watching the stars, she laid down to get more comfortable and rested Toph next to her. (Y/N) smiled when Toph hugged her arm and mumbled "Even if you can't admit it ,you can be so cute at times. But I don't get why you have to be so tough around everyone all the time, I wish for once you'd let down your walls not just for me but for the others." She sighed and eventually fell asleep not realising that Toph had been listening in and quietly mumbled "I know, I'm just not ready"...........

Toph x Fem Reader [Do it for her]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن