Chap 5

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Okay next chapter here we go, also thanks for over 100 reads in 4 days, makes me happy that people enjoy my book and actually want to read it :D.


As a tired team avatar and Appa flew through the sky, Aang yawned and a conversation went on about how the girls were able to find them from Omashu the sun began to rise and Sokka looked began complaining saying that he had never stayed up all night with no sleep before. (Y/N) joined in saying "You get use to it when you have late night chores, but it is still nice to sleep, lets just hope Appa can get us a bit further away"

Just as (Y/N) said that Appa just stopped flying and was plunging to the ground "What's going on!" Toph and (Y/N) yell at the same time holding onto the saddle "Appa fell asleep!" Aang yelled back trying to get Appa awake and so was everyone else and just in time Appa woke up and landed on the ground. Appa was exhausted and so was everyone else, (Y/N) just mumbled a couple words and stayed on the saddle "I'm staying up here to sleep" Toph patted her head and said "You do you" she jumped off the saddle. Sokka then said "Okay, we've put in a lot of distance between us and them. The plan right now is to follow Appa and (Y/N)'s lead and get some sleep" Katara then sassily added "Of course we could have gotten some sleep earlier, if Toph didn't have such issues" (Y/N) face palmed and said "Here we go again"

Toph who has been asleep on the ground wakes up and says "What!?" Aang tried to stop them this time but (Y/N) said "Don't bother" Aang shrugged and tried anyways and failed "Told ya, Toph is a hard one to calm down" Toph heard that statement and said "no I'm not!, What's that supposed to mean!" (Y/N) just gave her THAT look and Toph just went back to fighting with Katara. Aang of course tries to stop it again but gets shoved out the way, Toph then explains that the reason they were being followed was because Appa was shedding.

Of course Aang had to make the situation worse by yelling at Toph about blaming Appa, (Y/N) knew that was the last straw for Toph. She jumped up and headed over to Toph who had her bag in hand "I'm Outta here" she said to the group, she began to walk and (Y/N) followed behind "Stop following me (Y/N)" Toph stood still and (Y/N) sighed softly saying "No, I'm your friend and I-" Toph intervened with "OH YEAH THEN WHY WEREN'T YOU ON MY SIDE WHEN I WAS ARGUING WITH SUGAR QUEEN OVER THERE" (Y/N) was annoyed and said "because if I did it would have made the situation worse!" Toph began to run and made a dust cloud so none of them could track her. (Y/N) was mad and said "TOPH GET BACK HERE!!"

It was no use, once the dust cleared she was gone. Poof. (Y/N) stomped off away from camp and just sat there, the Team had a plan but (Y/N) stayed out of it. What was she supposed to do Toph and her had fought before but never like.This. Sokka came over after washing Appa and said "Hey uh (Y/N)" he sat next to (Y/N) who turned away from him and said "What is it Sokka?" "Uhh well I'm sorry about Katara, she can be annoying at times and obviously caused you and Toph to have a fight. But I don't think Toph meant it.." (Y/N) looked at him with a bit of a sad/surprised look "You think so?" He shrugged and said "It's just a guess but you two have a bond, I'm kinda jealous" he admitted and rubbed the back of his head.

(Y/N) smiled a little and said "Thanks Sokka.." He smiled and said "You got it, now come on we have a plan to carry out!" he smiled widely and (Y/N) smiled walking with him to Appa. Aang explained the plan and so Katara, (Y/N) and Sokka were on appa while Aang tried to lead the girls off course with a fake Appa fur trail.

(Y/N) was looking over the saddle just looking for any sign of Toph, things were silent on Appa nobody was talking until Sokka said "Toph couldn't have made it too far" Sokka was sitting on Appa's tail, he then began to panic seeing Two of the three girl chasing them on the Mongoose-Lizards "Ooooooh no!, (Y/N)!,Katara!" They both looked and Katara looked shocked "How did they find us!!"

Suddenly Appa began descending, he was growing more tired. They panicked and (Y/N) said "Oh no he's getting sleepy!"Sokka then saw that they were heading to a river "we need to make it over the River!" (Y/N) shot some fire at the girls to hinder their movements but they just kept on dodging. Katara was pleading Apps to just fly a little further, Appa was getting lower and lower but was able to Just make it over the River and crash into the Earth. The siblings celebrated but only for a moment, as the Mongoose- Lizards paddled over the river with the two girls on them.

The two girls went for the siblings first, with Soka being paralised and Katara being stuck to a tree with knives, it was two against one. They sent out tracks left and right and (Y/N) was about to be paralised by the acrobat girl's attacks but a gust of wind blew them away and into the water. It was Appa's tail!. (Y/N) hugged Appa and said "Thank you Appa!" He roared and with his huge tongue licked her.

Toph was sitting down with this old man talking about what happened, Toph was talking about how people treated her all her life "People see me and think I'm weak. They want to take care of me, but I can take care of myself, by myself. Even (Y/N) does it, she knows I can take care of myself." She mumbled that last part,the old man smiled and said "Well you're a lot like my Nephew, you both think you need to do things alone. But there is nothing wrong with you surrounding yourself with the people you love and will help you and this (Y/N) seems special to you are they not" he said smiling softly, toph stared down at the tea in her hands "Yeah....she really is, she was the only person who actually believed I could do things on my own" Toph couldn't help but smile, she realised that (Y/N) was a lot more important to her than she thought....

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