Chap 15

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Holy shoot guys 5.9K I'm honestly like so amazed on how the heck I got so many reads, also I would like to know why Toph is your favourite character or one of your favourite characters just leave a comment and I'll be happy to discuss with you guys. I wanna get to know y'all a little and interact with my readers.

but anyways enjoy the chap this is a shorter one....


Tales of Ba sing se: (Y/N)

It was the next morning from the incident that was the party and the group decided just to have a day of relaxation and to take some time to themselves, currently everyone was getting read with Aang having his head covered in shaving cream and was shaving his head with Momo playing with some excess shaving cream that was on the floor, Sokka was shaving his lack of a mustache with his machete and Katara was putting in her hair loopies. Meanwhile (Y/N) was already ready and was just packing a couple things before she left.

It was dark in the room since Toph was still asleep in her bed with the blanket sloppily over her body and was just snoring away with her hair in total chaos. (Y/N) was just about to leave but Katara came through a door and looked at the sleeping Toph gasping "Toph! Aren't you gonna get ready for the day?", (Y/N) then said to Katara "I'm leaving, I'm heading to the lower ring. Besides I wouldn't bother getting Toph out of bed is a pain in itself" she said just loud enough for the now half asleep Toph to hear "Shud up (Y/N)" She grumbled sitting up, he hair springing out on how messy it was.

Toph got up out of bed and lightly dusted off some dirt on her nightgown, Katara looked a little confused asking if she was going to wash up at all to which (Y/N) held in a laugh, but then something even funnier happened when Katara suggested on having a Girls day out minus (Y/N) since she already had plans, Toph got dressed and was practically dragged out by Katara without another word being said to (Y/N).

The boys eventually came out and Sokka asked "Hey (Y/N), where are Katara and Toph?", (Y/N) was holding in so many laughs as she said "Katara is Making Toph have a girls day out" To which Sokka said "Ooooo they gonna do some girly stuff" to which Aang said "Yeah like go to a spa and put on pretty.....dresses" Aang slowed down with his sentence going into his daydreams which was quickly interrupted by Sokka bursting out laughing and (Y/N) snickering along. Sokka then said "so how about you (Y/N), what are you gonna do" to which (Y/N) flushed and said "Uh well, I was actually going to head to the lower ring to go get some stuff and.......maybe confess to Toph today...."

There was a brief pause before the two boys and even Momo began celebrating and Aang said "You do not know how long we have been waiting for you to say that!!" The three hugged the now confused and blushing (Y/N) "Really?!" she asked and Sokka said "Yeah of course now go have your nice day, we'll be waiting!!!" Sokka pushed (Y/N) to the door and basically shoved her out of the house causing her to fall on the ground. She let out a grunt of pain before she stood up and sighed saying "reckless boys" , (Y/N) began to pace towards the crowded area which was the lower ring.

She was searching for someone in particular which was that blacksmith she saw on their tour, she paced around having a look at somethings but eventually got lost. A little worried now she continued to walk a little nervous about knowing her surroundings until a plump old man walked towards her and it seemed to be Iroh, he placed a hand on her shoulder saying "Hello there young miss you look to be lost" to which (Y/N) jumped and got into a fighting stance, it took a bit but she realised it was him and settled down "Oh Iroh, What a surprise to see you here" To which he let out a chuckle, (Y/N) then asked "Hey how are you recovering from the attack from Azula" To which he smiled raising a hand "Oh I'm perfectly fine and I'm guessing you have as well" To which (Y/N) let out a slight nod.

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