Chap 31

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Yoooooo sorry the Chap's late but I've been binging She-ra lately and I'm just in awe on how good it is, but anyways this took me forever . (Btw the She-ra intro is a banger and the high note gets me everytime)

 Also, I just wanted to say that we're almost at 50K reads and what!! this means so much to me and I never thought this book would get that big so thanks!!!!


Today was the day of the invasion, (Y/N) at this point was back into fighting shape with a little bit of a limp but that was it. Though the adrenalin and thrill of taking down the fire nation was coursing through her veins, it still frightened her that her bending would be taken away, even if it would be just a couple minutes. Lucky she had Toph to comfort her as they both sat on a rock, Toph could tell the nervous energy that surrounded her so she tried her best to comfort (Y/N) "Hey you'll be fine, you'll have us to protect you, besides it's not just you who's losing their bending it's the whole firenetaion!".

(Y/N) gave her a small nod and just laid her head on Toph's shoulder just looking at Sokka who was looking over the maps laid out neatly in front of him, the peace and quiet was nerve racking but nice. Until Aang came along jumping next to the couple saying "Toph of the morning, Momo!" Since Momo had climbed onto his shoulder, he seemed to have slept well on the bed they had all made which was good, he rambled on about how he was ready to fight the fire lord so (Y/N) smiled and asked him "So, what's your strategy for taking him down? ,Gonna get your glow on and hit him with a little Avatar State action?".

By the mention of the Avatar state his whole mood dampened talkinging about when he was struck by Azula's lighting his last chakra was blocked, Toph rolled her eyes pushing in on the conversation "You know what I just heard? Blah, blah, spiritual mumbo jumbo blah, blah, something about space ". (Y/N) laughed a little making the earthbender smile that she was able to at least make her girlfriend smile "There she is" Toph said out loud to her, causing (Y/N) to smile more; even if Toph couldn't see she knew (Y/N) was smiling brightly at her as a sort of thank you.

They're little moment was Katara pointing out the fog coming towards them, stupid Katara, always messing up the moments. She pointed out towards it in worry "Oh, no. Sokka, do you think the fog will delay the invasion?" they all looked towards it and (Y/N) smiled noticing the water tribe boats in the mist.

They all headed towards the shoreline, Aang and Toph making docs for the boats. (Y/N) stood with the group as some of the men from the water tribe boat walked onto the Docs, Hakoda was seen first off and of course the siblings ran right towards him. There behind him some men in leaf hats and some leaf loin cloths walked off the boat, with the man who looked like the head of the swamp people said " Pants are an illusion, and so is death."

(Y/N) laughed a little at the comment saying to herself "Makes sense", a couple more people came over which the group apart from Toph and (Y/N) knew from their travels. Until Toph's brow furrowed and she stiffened "What's going on?" she turned around in a fighting stance, causing (Y/N) to turn around quickly and get into a fighting stance as well.

Toph looked surprised and said "No way! Is that-" She was then picked up by two giant arms and two familiar figures were in front of them, THe Big Bad Hippo and The boulder. (Y/N) looked at them in shock as Hippo pulled Toph into a big hug "Hippo happy to see Blind Bandit!" (Y/N) looking confused but butted in on the conversation " You guys here for a rematch? Cause believe me you still won't win".The boulder shook his head doing some hand motions as he began explaining themselves and how they wanted to fight for their nation to which Toph simply replied with a grin and''Sweet".

There was a small tap on (Y/N)'s shoulder so confused she turned around to be met with an old friend, Panzo!. She gasped and smiled hugging the tall man saying "Panzo!, I didn't know you'd be here!!" With a loud chuckle he smiled and pat (Y/N)'s back and said "Well I heard we'll be fighting the fire nation and you'd be there, how could I say no. Besides an old Coot like me can still fight even if I'm 64 I can give a good gut punch" he said doing a punch in the air causing (Y/N) to laugh lightly.

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