Chapter 2 - The Rough Night (Part 2)

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Luke and Julie chose to ignore the boyfriend implications, neither of them ready to have that conversation yet.

"Fuck off, Carrie." Luke said, with a sharp edge in his tone.

On any other day, Julie would have let Carrie's words go. But tonight she was highly intoxicated and didn't give a fuck about the moral high ground. Luke was tugging on her hand to get her out the door when Julie turned to face Carrie.

"Is it hard being a pretentious bitch all the time, or does that just come naturally to you?" Julie shot back, and Carrie's mouth gaped open.

She recovered quickly with a scoff.

"I can't believe I ever lowered myself to be your friend. Do you really think everyone just bought the whole "I miss my mom" routine last year? We all know you were just using it as an excuse to not put in the work." Carrie spat and Julie lost it.

She tackled Carrie to the ground, both girls screaming as they pulled and tugged on whatever they could grab. Julie managed to land a particularly hard slap across her cheek. The music stopped, and people were shouting around them. Julie was ready to hit Carrie again when Luke's strong arms wrapped around her waist and lifted her up and off of her enemy.

Thankfully Nick was there to hold Carrie back from lunging back at Julie, or else there would be no separating the two until one claimed victory. Carrie's bun she had been wearing was almost completely pulled apart, one of her fake eyelashes falling off as her face flushed with rage.

Carrie hadn't managed to do much more than rumple Julie's clothes and she felt a prideful smile spread across her lips.

"You crazy bitch!" Carrie roared.

"I learned from the best!" Julie retorted as Luke dragged her out of the house.

By the time Luke had carried her halfway to his car, she started laughing as her anger subsided and she realized what just happened.

"I can't believe I just did that! I just fought Carrie, and I WON! Luke, did you see that?" Julie asked excitedly as he let her down to her feet when they reached his rusty old truck.

"It was pretty hard to miss, Jules. Not gonna lie, it was awesome." Luke said, looking at her with one of those "I'm amazed by Julie and love everything about her" smiles.

His eyes then trailed up her body, taking her in under the illumination of the moon. Julie felt a blush rise to her cheeks as she prayed he didn't remember what she mentioned she was wearing earlier.

He didn't break eye contact as he leaned over and opened her door for her. Julie just about melted from his intense stare, before he walked around the other side to get into the driver's seat. Julie climbed into the car, and she became acutely aware of how dizzy she was.

"Julie?" Luke voiced concerned.

His hand reached over and she quickly grabbed it before it could reach its final destination, interlocking their fingers.

She was squeezing his hand tightly, taking a deep breath to steady herself.

"I'm okay, you're just spinning. I mean- I'm spinning. Well, actually both." Julie decided, leaning her head against his shoulder.

She was appreciative that he had a truck so that she could be this close to him when he drove. She placed their connected hands in her lap, her other hand gently tracing shapes on his forearm.

He took a deep shaky breath as he started the car and they began their venture back. She noticed that they missed the turn that would have taken them to her house and she pulled on his arm.

Rough Night - A Julie Molina / Luke Patterson Story *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now