Chapter 1 - The Rough Night (Part 1)

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She shouldn't have come. Flynn had to practically drag her to this stupid party. Neither girl knew the host, but apparently, it was a senior at Los Feliz High School. Julie had protested to going, insisting that she needed to rest for a gig she had with the boys the following day. There were going to be important scouts and managers watching, so they needed to be on their "A" game. When mentioning the party to Luke he made it very clear that it would be a bad idea.

He had even made her promise him she wouldn't go, but alas, Flynn was very pushy when she wanted to be.

But now she was four drinks in, with maybe some shots thrown in there, and she no longer remembered why she didn't want to come. Julie stumbled through the house, wandering room to room and shuffling through the densely packed space. The house reeked of alcohol, sweat, and a hint of vomit.

Julie had lost Flynn about an hour ago, and after searching for thirty minutes she had somehow got roped into taking another shot and then playing a round of beer pong. She made it to the couch as the world was starting to spin when her phone buzzed.

Julie took it out of her back pocket and squinted at her screen, willing her eyes to focus. Her eyes widened as she read the time. It was 3:00 am!

When had it gotten so late? And how did she miss 5 messages from Luke?

She wasn't sure how long she stood there staring at her screen before her phone illuminated, Luke's photo popping up as he called her. Her ringtone was inaudible in comparison to the blaring music inside the house, and if she hadn't been looking at her phone she would have missed his call.

Julie pressed answer and held the phone up to her ear.

"Hellooooo!" Julie sang into the phone.

"Julie?" Luke's voice was filled with concern.

"Hold on pretty boy, let me go somewhere quieter." Julie looked for the nearest quiet place, beelining for the bathroom.

Once she entered the bathroom, she shut the door and the party seemed to fade away. The blaring music was reduced to a dull echo, and the sounds of multiple conversations were muffled.

Julie was staring at herself in the bathroom mirror, and she was pretty sure that she shouldn't be seeing three sets of eyes staring back at her.

"Julie?" Luke asked again and she remembered she was on the phone.

"Oh! Hi Lukey Luke." She giggled, as she gripped the sink for stability.

"How much have you had to drink?" He asked and she searched her blurry memory.

"Ummmm... Maybe 4. Unless we are counting shots, then definitely 6." Julie slurred, a hiccup escaping her throat.

"Where are you?" He sounded serious and she just kept giggling.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Julie joked.

"Actually yeah. I'm coming to get you." There was no humor in his tone, and somewhere in her drunk mind, she knew that she should be worried about that.

"What? No, I don't need you to come. I'm fineeee! Flynn is going to Uber back with me... Once I find her..." She revealed the last part quickly, hoping he would miss it.

"Jules, where are you?" He asked again, firmer this time.

Julie wasn't listening, instead, she was admiring herself in the mirror. She was wearing a short purple skirt with a black halter crop top and sneakers. Her chest was ordained with layered silver necklaces and she was wearing silver butterfly earrings. Flynn had helped her pull her hair back into a high ponytail, and she even threw in a few braids to spice it up.

Julie squished the phone to her ear, having forgotten their conversation.

"You knowww, I look really hot tonight and you're missing it. Flynn even convinced me to wear a thon-"

"Don't finish that. Julie, tell me where-" Luke started but Julie suddenly became urgently aware of her full bladder.

"Actually I need to pee really bad so I gotta go, byeeee!" Julie rushed out before hanging up and barely making it to the toilet.

She was too busy feeling relieved that her bladder no longer felt like it was juggling knives that she didn't realize her phone was lighting up as Luke tried calling her again.

Suddenly there was pounding on the bathroom door, and a familiar voice sounded.

"Hey in there! Hurry up, I need to pick my wedgie and I am NOT doing that out here!" Flynn slurred.

Julie finished up, readjusting her clothes as she washed her hands before opening the door to find her best friend.

"Flynnnn!" She squealed and Flynn did the same as they embraced.

"I've been looking everywhere for you!" Flynn said.

"Same here!" Julie smiled wide, still spinning but somewhat grounded now that she found her friend.

It was just then that their favorite song of all time came on, none other than "Ric Flair Drip" by Metro Boomin and Offset.

They grabbed each other and shared a knowing look. Julie took Flynn's hand and they very clumsily ran to the dance floor, which in this case, was the tile in the middle of the living room. As the song played they yelled the lyrics back and forth to one another, dancing together and living in the moment.

Multiple guys were eyeing them and one approached Julie and attempted to grab her hips. Flynn grabbed Julie's hand and spun her so that she ended up in front of her. Julie gave her friend a thankful smile as she leaned back into her, swaying her hips to the rhythm of the song. Once the guy left they separated, facing each other once again as they lost themselves in the music.

Julie closed her eyes as Flynn went to spin her again but she accidentally spun her the wrong way and she collided with someone's chest.

She opened her eyes to apologize, only to look up at none other than Luke Patterson himself.

He looked tired, which made sense considering it was probably almost 4:00 am at that point.

"Luuuuuke!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms around the taller boy, having to stand on her tiptoes just to reach him.

His hands instinctively found her bare waist, and her skin burned where he touched her.

She nuzzled her face in the crook of his neck, humming softly. His thumbs were gently stroking her sides, and she shivered.

"That feels nice..." Julie sighed, her eyes falling closed.

The spinning sensation suddenly got worse so she pulled away, grabbing his hands as the next song came on.

"Dance with me!" Julie begged, but he shook his head.

"It's time to go, Jules." He said, gently tugging on her hands as he moved towards the door.

"Wait, what about Flynn?" Julie asked, turning around to where she had been standing only to find that she had disappeared again.

"Alex and Reggie are taking care of it." He informed her.

"Both of them?" Julie inquired and he shrugged.

"She's threatened all of us at least once, they figured it would be better for one of them to lay witness to the other's murder if it came to it." He explained and Julie could see humor playing in his eyes.

She was about to capitalize on the moment when she heard the prissy giggle of none other than Carrie Wilson. Julie turned to see her standing to the side, arms crossed, and popping bubblegum.

"Aw did you drink too much, Julie? Need your boyfriend to come save you?" She mocked with fake concern.

Thanks for reading! Please feel free to engage in the comments and lmk what you think! To all of those who read the first two chapters on my one shot story, you can skip to chapter 5 to read new content. I split up the chapters to make them easier to read on this platform. I'm also on Archive of Our Own now under the same username :) This story is posted there as well.

Rough Night - A Julie Molina / Luke Patterson Story *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now