Chapter 1

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     "This year, is the third quarter quell!" President Snow started. " Every Quarter Quell there is a change to the games. Last Quarter Quell there was double the tributes, and this year, in honor of all the hard work the Capitol does" Katniss scoffed "the Game makers will choose the tributes."
     I gasped. "They wouldn't choose... me? Would they?" I cried. They did know Katniss very well as The Girl on Fire, but would they choose me because I'm her sister? Or would they leave me alone because of that very reason? Katniss reached for my hand and hand and gave me a sympathetic smile. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply.
     Katniss was packing her bags. She would be leaving right after Effie told everyone the boy and girl in district 12 of having the "honor" of competing in the annual hunger games. My heart was pounding, I didn't want to get chosen again. Not after last year.
"Prim, breathe. They won't choose you. What are the odds?" Katniss smirked. She was always there for me. And I was there for her. She wakes up in the middle of the night most nights and screamed a lot. The Capitol ruined her pretty good. She wakes me up for a distraction. She won't tell me what happened in the games, She says I'm too little, and THAT scares me. My mom never let me watch the bad parts of The games. I didn't really mind not watching them though, I didn't want to see my sister in pain anyway.
     This year is my second reaping. I am 13 years old now. There have been no 13 year old winners in the hunger games. Ever. I knew if I went I wouldn't have a chance. I never learned to use a bow. Sure I went out hunting with Katniss and Gale a few times before, but Katniss doesn't go hunting a lot ever since she returned from the 74th year. Peeta Mellark was chosen as the male tribute, but Gale Hawthorn, Katniss' best friend, volunteered in his place. He sacrificed his life for hers. Those 2 made it to the last 4, but he took a spear to the heart for her. She shot an arrow at the last tribute and now she is the Victor in 12, along with Haymitch Abernathy. They are the only 2 in the victors village. It's nice living in such luxury. I haven't starved since the day Katniss came back. I feel so bad for my friends from school with no food in their bellies.
     I heard the horn and grabbed Katniss' hand. It's time.

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