mr. brightside- 24

Start from the beginning

"Stella, I'm pretty sure everyone in this damn school things you're the smartest witch to roam these halls. You're beyond good enough." His deep brown eyes bored into hers.

"McGonagall is coming." Fred quickly told them, hearing the clicking of her heels.

"Meet me for breakfast tomorrow?" She asked.

"Of course." They both yelled running off towards the Gryffindor tower. Stella quickly made her way to her own common room, feeling dizzy. Her mind spun with all the different possibilities. She watched almost everyone enter meaning she more than likely watched someone enter in her name unknowingly. A shiver went down her spine at the thought of one of her class mates doing something like that to her.

She was met with loud cheers and music as she entered through the door. People were celebrating her, as if she had won the whole thing. She wondered if they were doing the same for Harry in the Gryffindor common room. People offered her drinks, and tried to get her to dance, but she just politely turned them down and kept trying to get to her dorm.

Funny enough, all the Ravenclaw boys seemed to be suddenly interested in her, wanting to talk to her about her life. Roger Davies went to the extreme of inviting her back to his room. She awkwardly denied him, along with all the other boys, and fought her way through the crowd.

As soon as Stella got back to her room, she was bombarded with questions from her dorm mates, who patiently waited for her while she was trying to get through the party. She answered their questions as best as she could without giving them too many details. They eventually stopped pestering her and went to bed.

Stella cautiously got in bed, suddenly feeling like the world was on her shoulders. She had a vision of the goblet, but she ignored it. It suddenly made sense why she saw it, and Stella wanted to scream into the wind. Hindsight is always 20/20, she reminded herself. Stella barely slept a wink that night, but when she did, nightmares haunted her mind

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Little fox,

We heard of the news, Dumbledore got in contact with us immediately. You need to begin preparing. Learn all the defensive spells you can. Do not take anything lightly, people die in this tournament Stella. Whoever put your name in the fire, is not your friend: do not forget that. People can be deceiving, remember who you can really count on. George and Fred. This tournament is deadly and it makes things even worse when it's been meddled with. Also, letters are starting to get intercepted, you will be seeing Remus's owl much more often. Stay safe, write often.

Mooney and Padfoot

Stella quickly dressed herself before heading down to breakfast, relieved she would be able to see Fred and George. She was happy to hear from her family, but not under these circumstances. As she entered the hall, Roger Davies called out to her asking if she wanted to sit with him. She politely declined before heading over to where the twins were. She saw George glaring over at the Ravenclaw table while Fred sat there smirking.

"You two are being weird this morning." She joked, nearing them. Fred scooted down a little further, giving her space to sit in between them out of habit.

"You've got a way with the lads around here, Stella. It's quite impressive." Fred mused, seeing his brother's scowl.

"It's pathetic for them, really." She tried ending the conversation about her sudden male attention.

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