"You won't mess up. You may not see it, but you're so strong. There's this confidence in you that no other person has. And you're talented. In that short month your powers became so powerful. As powerful as people who've been training their whole lives, if not stronger. You can do this!" Nathan told her confidently.

The whole time Nathan was talking, Katia was looking into his eyes. She noticed they were an intense blue as he tried to convince her to see the truth. She was trying to find sense in what he was saying and found herself slowly believing every word he said. She couldn't help it. He sounded so confident, confident enough for the both of them.

"You always know the right things to say," Nathan continued. "You were amazing at Serena's island. You and only you were able to get her to listen. You knew Celia was upset and helped her feel better. You got through to Damien. You're holding us together. And I know in the future you will know what to do. But if you are ever unsure, I will always be here for you."

Katia smiled up at Nathan gratefully and gave him a huge hug. Nathan returned it happily as he leaned his head on hers.

"Thanks Nathan. You're the best," Katia said. She didn't know what she would've done on this trip without him.

"Thanks," Nathan laughed.

"You think we can really do this?" Katia asked.

Nathan looked down and Katia saw the uncertainty in his features. He shrugged. "We're not doing so bad so far. But we have to do this. If not...I don't even know what will happen."

Katia didn't even want to think about it. If Akur really came back to full power then the Elictis weren't the only ones in danger.

"I don't think we're all going to make it," Katia blurted out suddenly.

Nathan turned towards her in alarm and stared at Katia. "What are you talking about?"

"I think I'm going to die," Katia said. She was surprised at how calm she sounded when the thought alone made her heart hammer in her chest.

Katia started to explain the nightmare she had been having when she was trapped with Akur in a cave and a darkness took over.

"I thought it was just a reoccurring nightmare until Saladin sent us on this quest. Now I'm scared it's a vision. I'm in this ancient cave with Akur and he's doing something to me. I can't fight and I'm helpless as this terrible pain comes over me. Then everything goes black. It's always the same thing."

She left out the part when she saw Nathan and everyone else she cared about dead around her. He already looked scared about what she told him, but he hid his fear well.

"It's just a dream. You are not going to die," Nathan insisted, a hard edge to his voice.

Katia didn't say anything. Nathan turned her towards him and stared intently into her eyes.

"Katia? Did you hear me? As long as I'm here I won't let anything happen to you. You're not dying okay?" Nathan told her firmly.

Katia nodded and her lips quirked up in a small smile. "Yeah, who knows what will happen if I leave you alone with Damien and Celia."

Nathan knew Katia was trying to lighten the situation and he gladly went along.

"Yeah we might rip each other's throats out so you can't abandon me," Nathan told her.

"I won't," Katia said.

"Good," Nathan said happily. "Now can we go back inside? I'm freezing and wet."

Nathan helped Katia off the ground and noticed that she was perfectly dry. Her hair fell down perfectly around her shoulders and her clothes didn't have a single drop.

"How are you not soaked to the bone?" He asked in shock. Nathan was shivering. His hair was matted to his face and his clothes stuck to his body.

"It's one of the perks of being able to control water," Katia smirked at him. "I can make myself dry if I wanted to."

"That's no fair!" Nathan protested.

"Well your hair always gets to look perfect in crazy wind," Katia countered back.

"Touché," Nathan said while Katia just laughed.

"I guess I can share some of my luck," Katia said with a sigh, pretending that it was a pain to do such a thing.

She reached out and touched his arm. The water started to leave his hair and clothes and fall to the ground in a puddle around his feet. Within seconds he was perfectly dry.

"Thanks!" Nathan said happily. "Then I guess I can share some of my luck and make your hair look perfect in the wind."

"Okay sounds fair! You know you could be a model if your hair always looks that good in the wind," Katia joked.

"Like this?" Nathan made a gust of wind blow towards him. His hair fluttered flawlessly as he struck a crazy pose.

Katia pretended to take pictures with her hands and screamed compliments in a French accent. "Perfect darling! Marvelous!"

"You're so weird!" Nathan laughed at Katia's funny accent.

Katia shoved Nathan playfully and entered the room again with Nathan following behind. Katia quietly hopped back in bed while Nathan returned to the sofa.

She glanced at Celia and Damien who were still sound asleep. They didn't even stir when the two of them entered the room, proving how much sleep they lost over the past few days.

"Weird and proud of it!" Katia whispered to Nathan before turning her back on him and closing her eyes.

Nathan laughed quietly at Katia, realizing just how special she truly was. She kept the burden of her nightmare to herself for over a month now, and yet she still went on this quest. She faced everything they encountered with the bravery and poise of a veteran Elicti. But somehow she still managed to stay the same. She still cracked jokes and made sure to look out for everyone else.

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