5. Ancient Academy's Archives

Start from the beginning

"Nihilus was a master of force drain, right?" Deifiur asks, "But if Malachor created him, who taught him that? Who was his master?"

"I'm unsure, Kaylie. Revan left and came back with the Star Forge, so it wasn't him or Malak. Perhaps a fallen Jedi."

A fallen Jedi. Inion couldn't really believe it. Unless said fallen Jedi was a master she can't see someone training something so dangerous. And most Jedi master's wills are almost impossible to break so that isn't too possible either. Unless maybe the master was smarter and came to a simaliar conclusion that Inion herself and Deifiur or even Athair did.

"Well I'm taking this back to the Temple." Inion pats her tome cover.

"And I'll bring this." Deifiur says, her eyes not moving from the ink encrypted on the paper in front of her.

"Go ahead." Athair tells them as Inion taps into the Force again to move another desk and throw it into the fire. There was a surplus of desks, so none of the Dynasts cared.

Several hours pass by and the tower of tomes grow higher before the trio call it a day. The fire had turned to whisps of light as Inion held the stack with the Force. They went to exit the room when Athair's hologramic communicator beeped. He silently grabbed it and when he answered the blue hologram of a man in Imperial uniform stood there. His daughters had walked ahead of him but stopped and looked at him and the Imperial.

Deifiur didin't look very happy about the call. She made it clear that she had no intent on serving the Empire and was convinced that The Emperor would soon force them into submission. Inion also didn't look too glad, frowning immensely. Athair ignored his daughters' expressions and looked the Imperial in the eye.

"The Emperor sent me on this call to thank you, Darth Athair."

"Sending his thanks for what? My daughter and I have done many things for him already." Athair replies. Deifiurs eyes flickered to the side of the room and then the Imperials head. The group decided to keep her life a secret. Clones went after her during the purge and she's assumed dead and because, unlike her father and sister, she wasn't on Korriban when Sidious arrived he didn't know of her either. The family wanted to keep as much secret to the Empire as possible.

"For Mandalore. They were getting rather problematic until you and your child straightening them into line."

"We'll always be willing to stop Mandalorians. They've been agitating my family for generations."

"The population has decreased, but I'm sure they'll reproduce those lives back and everything will be normal for them again. Except that they now know what happens when you cross the Emperor."

"How come the Emperor wanted to send us and not his own apprentice, lietentant?"

"Lord Vader was preoccupied at that moment. He was handling a group of Jedi on Kashyyyk."

"And his assassin?"

"Dealing with resurgants on Hoth."

"I see."

"Good day, Darth Athair. Many compliments to you, for Mandalorians aren't easy opponents." The Imperial says and the blue hologram fades out.

"Do the Imperials not interrogate the people? One person could have said something and they'd know about Kaylie." Inion says.

"Their scared and stressed, Karina. Those two combined can make them think they saw illusions. They'd probably just think they were seeing you but with another lightsaber. Especially since the two of you were separated the entire time." Her father explains as he places his hologram transmitter on his belt again.

"It was great to watch those pathetic excuses of Mandalorians' city fall." Deifiur smiles darkly while looking down the dark hall.

Athair finally steps out of the room and into the hallway to follow his daughters through. He asks, "How was your trip to Zygerria, Kaylie?"

"Better than the last trip."


Inion stepped inside the room at the end of the tunnel under the Temple. Inside the room was the three Sith's mmost precious objects. Tomes and chests laid on the floor, ontop of a tome sat a peice of the lightsaber of Satele Shan. But on the wall hung their most prized possesion. The mask of Revan.

Inion walked over to her ancestor's mask, which had a Mandalorian-like design and was a bloody red. She couldn't really sense the Force from it, which baffled her immensely and slightly bothered her. The man that had worn that mask was a master of war and the Force. His blood ran deep in her veins, causing her to wonder if she could take such power. Learn it for herself.

Her father and uncle had stolen the mask from the Temple years before she was even born. Unfortunately, her father didn't know where the Jedi had found the mask and her uncle was killed by her father a couple years after they recieved the artifact so the three couldn't try to find Revan's resting place. Especially with the Jedi Order being long gone.

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