Six Days To Go: Lunch Dates And Drawings

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"Okay, so let me see the drawings!" Lin says the second they started walking out.

"Lin, we just walked out, at least let us get food before I show you them," (Y/n) says slightly embarrassed.

"Aww, I was hoping I could get it from you sooner than later," he says with a pout making her snicker a bit.

"Yeah...stop pouting, it's not going to work, I've got to stay strong" she states, holding her bag closer to herself as Lin glared at it.

"C'mon I want to see them!"

"And you will, but we've got to get food first, or at least order food,"

"...Fine, how about I order and you find a place to sit? Then you can show me the drawings," Lin says making her nod with agreement.

"Nothing too spicy though okay? I can't handle's my weakness," she jokes.

"Darn...okay we'll manage and work your spice tolerance up...just you wait on that,"

"I'll believe it when I can taste spicy without my tongue on fire and having to drink so much to get rid of the burning feeling," (Y/n) jokes as Lin rolls his eyes.

The two-part and (Y/n) finds a more secluded spot for them to sit at. She pulls out her sketchbook and sighs a bit, she hoped they were decent, but she felt Lin might hate them at the same time.

"What was that sigh about?" Lin says, startling (Y/n) who had been lost in her thoughts.

"Oh...uh nothing!" she stutters her face flushing a bit.

Lin glances over and his mouth practically falls open, "Holy shit these are fucking amazing!" he says finally catching the drawings. "Are you sure you're not a professional artist? Like how were you able to do these so quick with us moving around all like that?"

"I er...I sort of have an Eidetic memory...meaning usually with one look I can remember something, at least when it comes to images, it's usually why I people watch, gives me tons of things to draw,"

"These are incredible, you've got me mid-laugh during My Shot...and the cast around me...shit this is incredible..." Lin breathes out, clearly impressed.

(Y/n)'s cheeks flush, "It's really just a hobby though-"

"A hobby that should be a job, (Y/n) are you sure you don't want to do art professionally?" Lin asks glancing up from a picture she drew of the airport of someone with a guide dog.

"Oh I'm not that good, I probably am a better attorney than an artist..."

"I disagree, hey would you be willing to do some artwork or well coloring sheets that are this detailed?"

"I mean, I guess I could...but usually coloring sheets are just simple lines, they're never really complex...oh you want ones of the cast...I mean sure I guess, I don't think I could get it done in a week though,"

"What if you came to the rehearsals and the shows at night?" Lin suggests, he really was scrambling to do anything to get her to stay close by him.

"I mean I guess I could...I do still want to explore the city though...I've got a week Lin," (Y/n) points out.

"And you said if I could convince you to stay you would, couldn't this be a reason,"

"Now wait a minute, that's not fair, and no it isn't. Yes, I love doing my art, as a hobby though...and only a hobby. Don't try offering me a job just to keep me here Lin. I am an Attorney first, the only way would be to get my firm to move me out here, but I've actually tried a few times and they've said no-"

"Maybe I can convince them!"

"No, Lin. Look I appreciate it, but I want to earn my spot here in New York, and while it's nice to know you'd do this for me, it doesn't feel fair...I'm sorry,"

Lin seemed to shrink a bit, he was trying so hard to get her to stay that he forgot that she had to be the one to choose to stay. "Okay, I'm sorry, I just don't want to lose you so quickly after finding you."

"And I don't either, and you're not, we'll still text and face time or Skype or whatever, but I'm not really ready to dive head-first into a new relationship and move across the whole country,"

"But you'd be open if I can convince you by the end of the week?" he asks hopefully once again.

"...I might be more open to it, but not if you're going to try meddling in my job and trying to push me to move here."

"But I have a shot at getting you to move?"

"Yes, you have a shot at getting me to move..." (Y/n) says with a small sigh, "I really do want to get to know you, but I just don't see how a week can make me change my mind,"

"All I've got to do is get you to fall for me, and Date number 2 is working well,"

"Right, last night ice cream was the first one....I'm warming up to the idea, but falling is a long way away," (Y/n) muses just as their food came.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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