6 Seven Days To Go: Hamilton and Is This A Date?

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Seeing the show was rather awkward to (Y/n), especially since she knew (Y/B/F/F) wanted to see the show so much. But she ended up loving it. She had caught Lin's eye as he winked at her when Helpless began, which caused her cheeks to briefly heat up. She tried scolding herself at it for she wasn't even sure how well the two got along, soulmates or not, Lin still was practically a stranger. A stranger who seemed really wanting to spend time with her.

After the show she hung around the inside until some guard brought her backstage, she had a tissue in her hand and was still drying tears from her cheeks, it was an emotional second act and she rather enjoyed it.

"So crying, hopefully, because you enjoyed it?" came Lin's voice as she had made it back towards his dressing room. He had changed and threw his hair up in a bun, only a few strands falling out of it.

"Okay I admit it, it was...really good, and it's better hearing the lyrics being sung than reading them on my arm." (Y/n) teases him.

Lin's face broke out into a grin, "And I saw you crying, so it means it moved you quite a bit,"

"Yes, it was, I felt so bad for Eliza, but she's so pure and amazing to put up with Alexander like that, even after all he did to her she still shared everything she could," (Y/n) says her eyes watering again before she brushed them away, "Now you've got my crying again Lin!" she says turning away from him.

"I'm sorry! If you see it more times I'm sure it won't be as emotional for you,"

"Ugh, yeah maybe...but again I've got a week, and I'm not coming to every show, I do have other things I want to do. And this is my first time in New York so I have to explore it, especially at night, Times Square is what I really want to see,"

"Well...there is this ice-cream place closer towards Times Square...if you're up for a quick subway ride?" Lin suggests.

"I would, but I don't have a subway card or coins? Unless they take bills?" (Y/n) jokes as Lin shakes his head.

"I'll just have you use mine, makes it easier,"

"Okay...now come on, ice cream awaits for no one!" (Y/n) says moving to grab Lin by his arm tugging him.

"Okay! Okay! Let me grab my bag and we can slip out hopefully without anyone noticing us!" he points out tugging her back as he grabbed his backpack before the two left.


"Okay this is the best (favorite flavor) Ice cream I've ever had, and that is insane...how am I supposed to have this anywhere else now?" (Y/n) complains to Lin as she ate her ice cream off of a cone.

"Well, I guess it's another reason to come back to New York? We've got great ice cream." Lin teases as the two walk outside of the ice cream parlor.

"Okay, well I sure hope I can, it really depends on cases and stuff, I mean it also depends on how well this week goes by. Never thought I'd end up meeting my soulmate here that's for sure,"

"Did you ever actively look for me?" Lin questions, "I would try and figure out based on when you wrote locations down, but I was always here in New York, never got a chance to head to California,"

"I guess I did get my hopes up, I was so excited when I first found words on my arm because I'm three years younger than you I believe? Not to point out my age or anything" (Y/n) jokes.

"Right, I was disappointed when I never got responses, up until three years later with a dog drawing, or was it a cat?" Lin says.

"It was CatDog in case you didn't know," (Y/n) says with a pout. "I always loved art, but figured that I would have to choose some career where it worked better? Plus when my dad died I kinda lost that passion, and figured I should help my mom out meaning trying to become a Doctor of the Law was the place to go"

"Well, I still think you'd be a great artist, the drawings you did draw always raised eyes of awe when they saw them. When I was a substitute teacher the students would marvel at it, thinking they were tattoos," Lin points out.

"You were a teacher?" (Y/n) asks surprised, "I can not picture you as a teacher at all,"

"Well, it's true! But it was right before In The Heights was taking off, that I decided to stick to writing and being a performer, and I went with what made me happy," Lin points out as he tosses his trash away.

"Wow, I mean law makes me happy, but I do wish I had been able to go that route and do more art stuff, I've got tons of artwork and digital art I do when I have time, which isn't a lot."

"Show them to me sometime? Like just email your portfolio cause I'd love to see it," Lin interrupts her making her glance at him with wide eyes not expecting him to want to see anything she'd done.

"I'll try to, but don't expect it to be this amazing thing," (Y/n) points out. "You know I might end up drawing Hamilton stuff this week, I really liked the way the Schuyler sisters was set up, that was my favorite-"

"What! That's the best part?" Lin says as if offended by it.

"Well I liked it the most Angelica like was the most sassiest with Burr, and it was quite fun...I could do a whole scene with it..." (Y/n) muses as she glances at Lin's pouting face. "Oh come on, I liked the other bits too, like uh the main song for Hamilton...not throwing the shot away?" she says.

"You weren't really paying that much attention were you, now you have to come to see it again sometime this week,"

"No I couldn't ask you to do that, I'm sure there are others that would love the seats, aren't they worth thousands of dollars? My best friend would kill me if I saw it twice when she's never gotten to see it,"

"Then I'll make you come see the rehearsals of some of the songs, that way you can just sit and watch, draw, and be mesmerized by the genius that is Hamilton like you should," Lin declares.

"You're not going to let me say no are you?"

"Course not, gotta involve my soulmate in things I do, maybe you could share more lawyer stories with me?" he asks.

"I might be able to do that, but you'd have to get me drinking before I spill that kind of tea on past trials I've done,"

"Then it'll be our second date," Lin says determined to spend as much time with her as he could, he really wished she didn't have to leave, all he had was six more days with her.

"So this was a date? You move fast Mr.Miranda," (Y/n) says a bit flirtatiously.

"Can you blame me? I've got a pretty interesting soulmate and not a lot of time to be in the same area as them, so I'm going to spend every moment I can with you, to get to know you and understand you."

"Well then, t minus 6 days Mr. Miranda, but I doubt that you'll convince me to stay, I have things I have to get done,"

"Maybe I can convince you, maybe not right away, but by the end of the week I'll have you more than willing to want to move all the way here," Lin says moving to grab her hand kissing it as they had made it to (Y/n)'s hotel.

"We'll see Mr. Miranda, thank you for such an amazing night, I'll see you later," (Y/n) says her cheeks heating up by Lin's kiss on her hand.

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