4 Seven Days To Go: I Need To Pay Attention to The Time

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The meeting with her client worked out well and they got everything sorted out, along with having everything sent off, easier than it had been for some other clients, but that was what her boss sent her for. It's not her fault they got through everything over one cup of coffee. It just meant she was in New York for the rest of the week. And the first thing to do was get the Broadway pictures out of the way for (Y/B/F/F).

Quickly looking up where the Hamilton musical was playing she jotted it down on her arm

Richard Rodger Theatre—> Hamilton get pictures for (Y/B/F/F)

and made a move to rush out of the coffee shop, which she was still slightly disappointed her soulmate seemed to not show up, but what could she do. Heading the right direction she let out a small groan when she noticed a crowd forming and bit her lip, she might as well stay there, maybe then once it was clear she could nab pictures of the silhouettes.

It was a few minutes before whatever it was starting when she felt the tingle of her arm and glanced down at it, right next to the address of the theatre was

you're here!? :D and a star poorly drawn there

However just as she was getting her pen out to try and write a response the 'Ham4Ham' as it seemed to be called started the color drained on her face as she paid attention to what they were doing. It was it, those lyrics...she had read them, seen them so many times as they were on her right arm years ago. As she scanned the people singing she locked eyes with one of them and tilted her head in slight confusion.

Gripping her pen she decided to try and do something about it and scribbled a message on her arm scanning around to see if someone glanced down at their arm, seeing nothing she missed the clear reaction coming from up at the front where the cast was singing.

Yes? You suck at drawing btw

Deciding she wasn't going to find them she decided to jokingly draw a mad creature on her arm glaring at it as she did so. She was too interested in her drawing on her left arm that she didn't notice the show was over and she was stuck standing there.



"Okay you were right I regret not leaving and trying to find them..." Lin admits to Chris as they got ready for the Ham4Ham.

"That's nice, but you still missed your shot...and now who knows where they are.."

Feeling the tingles on his arm he let out a small gasp, "Well...I might be getting another shot, they're going here to get pictures for their friend I assume? Where's a pen! I need a pen! Does anyone have a pen!" Lin yells out excitedly rushing around asking people for a pen.

Eventually finding one he was able to write on his arm, rather tricky as he wanted to write it near where they wrote and wrote

you're here!? :D and a star poorly drawn there

"Eh...not my best work..but it will do!" he says grinning at his star.

"Lin we have to go, Ham4Ham is going to start! Can't have it without you! We're doing Right Hand Man!" Chris calls out.

"Coming!" he yells following after.

During it he glanced around trying to spot anyone who could potentially be his soulmate, locking eyes on a few people including locking eyes with (Y/n) but only for a second before going straight back into singing. It was however during that song he felt the tingles and glanced at his arm briefly his mouth opening a bit in an 'o' form before he glanced up trying to find who it was, nearly missing his cue to sing again. As he couldn't try responding at that moment it wasn't until the end of the song where he went in search of a pen again that he felt it tingle again with a more full drawing form and he let out a wince.

"What? What's up?" Anthony asks having noticed Lin's wincing.

"I think my soulmate is here and kind of mad at me? I have to find them...did you notice anyone writing on their arm? Anthony, I need to find them before they take photos of the silhouettes!" he says shaking Anthony a bit by his shoulders.

"Woah man calm down! Let's just go back and see, look there are a few people still upfront... let's be sneaky about this," he points out moving with Lin trailing behind.

Nearly giving up the two were just about to talk to (Y/n) when she let out a small sigh as she glanced at her arm.

Lin tilted his head and bit his lip deciding maybe if he could do one thing, and wrote something down.

Are you still here? I want to meet you

It was as if a light switch had been turned on as (Y/n) looked at her arm and her eyes snapped up glancing around before landing on Lin and Anthony who were staring at her. Hoping he did the right thing he waved at her earning a timid smile from her as she hesitantly walked over.

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