5 Seven Days To Go: We Meet: We Hang Out

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The second (Y/n) glanced at her arm right after the man across from her started writing on it she moved over to him and hesitantly spoke up, "So I assume you're my soulmate?" she asks a bit timidly close and ready to flee.

Lin's face turned into a smile, "You're a really great artist!" he blurts out to her making her cheeks heat up a bit.

"Uh thanks, my dad used to tell me I should head to art school but I was more into arguing and fighting the law," she jokes a bit, shifting uncomfortably.

"You're a lawyer?" Lin asks only for Anthony to nudge him.

"I hate to break up you two getting to know each other...but the longer we stand out here the more the fans will be coming back..." Anthony points out.

"Right, because you're the starts of this...play...er musical?" (Y/n) says sheepishly. "I shouldn't be keeping you from all that...I should go."

"No! Stay? We can bring you in here, and just talk?" Lin suggests not wanting to lose his soulmate after just finding her.

(Y/n) bit her lip, "I don't want to impose...you've probably got a lot to do," she says softly.

"And it's nothing too important that I don't want to at least talk with you, you can come to the show!" Lin suggests wanting to do nothing more than embrace her but held himself back.

"I mean...I probably shouldn't...I'd feel wrong because my best friend loves this show or the music? Sorry, I'm not fully aware of all of this musical theater stuff," she says sheepishly.

"Okay, well then at least come hang back, you can be in the green room and if you change your mind you will still be able to see the show," Lin says as he moves to allow her in the back.


"I've never been behind the scenes of any kind of show," (Y/n) admits as she followed Lin and Anthony as they headed back inside.

"Well this isn't the fun bit if you want to see the stage...that's where the fun happens," Lin jokes. "We've got a turn-table and it's really cool to be on,"

"I guess that would be fun, but a bit disorienting though?" (Y/n) points out as he leads her, Anthony having ditched the two to alert others of what had happened.

"It was when we first got it, but now it's like second nature," Lin says.

(Y/n) nods her head, "You guys do a lot of shows a week, I can't imaging doing that, it's got to be grueling,"
"Well isn't law grueling too?" Lin points out.

"It can be, it's a lot of hours depending on the case, I've done so much over-time for some cases it's crazy,"

"So what brought you to New York?"

"A case, the client couldn't come down to the LA office so they sent me to meet up and get papers signed and all that, but I can't tell you anything more than that,"

"I got it...so you're here for some time?" Lin asks.

"Yeah, I've got a week,"

"Only a week?" Lin asks deflating a bit, that wasn't much time to spend with her, especially with how busy they were with the shows.

"Yeah..sorry if I'd known I would have extended it but I don't have all that much time..." (Y/n) says softly glancing at Lin. "But...the good news is if you give me your number texting and face-time work just as well, if not better than writing on your arm?" she jokes.

"You mean drawing? You got me in trouble a few times with those amazing artworks you drew,"

"Sorry! I just strike inspiration and sometimes forget paper, so my arm becomes my canvas. I'm quite proud of my octopus I did back in like 2008,"

"I remember that one...it was so weird going on stage with it covering my arm." Lin says with a laugh, it was during his time with 'In The Heights'

(Y/n)'s eyes widened, "Oh my gosh you're a performer and here I have to wear long sleeves so no one would notice...I am so sorry,"

"Nah it's fine, really, your drawings are amazing, it's well worth the weird looks at times, shows me that you're creative."

"And you are quite a good poem writer...or I guess they're lyrics aren't they?" (Y/n) says, "It's hard to pay attention when you keep finding sweet words on my arm, especially since you are left-handed, so it covers my right arm most of the time. "The ball one was nice,"

"Helpless, yeah I got a muse and wrote it, I should try carrying more paper around as you said,"

"Of course, but it always seems the inspiration comes when we don't have paper."

"Yeah, now...getting into things...give me your phone," he says as she hands it to him, having unlocked it.

"No Twitter? What is wrong with you?" he says with a gasp as he looked through her phone briefly before he moved to type in his number adding it.

"Never got into it, though I do have an Instagram, I like posting pictures of places I go more so than myself, I was going to take pictures of those silhouettes and send them to my friend, she's rather obsessed with Hamilton...and other musicals too but recently it's been Hamilton this and that," she says with a small shrug. "I'm glad she finds it interesting, I wish I could be that enthusiastic about something,"

"So, you've not heard any of it? I really think you should see the show...if you do after the show how about we go grab ice cream or something?" Lin suggests. "And then we can talk more,"

"You drive a hard bargain...but...if you are offering ice cream then I would have to accept, you've found my weakness,"

"Great, see the show then after-show ice cream," Lin says with a grin.

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