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A week had passed. The palace of Hastinapur seemed quite normal from the outside. But the inner turmoil of the members of the royal family was only known to themselves.

Madrinandan Nakul entered the private chamber of his Jyesht and stopped in his tracks seeing the scene. Yudhisthir was sitting on the diwan, engrossed in a scroll in his hand, while simultaneously caressing his dear Chanda's hair who lay, with her head in Yudhisthir's lap, starring into nothingness. Tears welled up in Nakul's eyes. His mind wavered back to that dreadful afternoon, a week ago.

Nakul's POV:

I was in the royal gardens, near Rajvaidya's kaksh, playing with the rabbits there. They were our – mine and Chandrika's – favourite friends. It was through them that I had developed a bond with her. Our common love for animals. She defended me fiercely, whenever my brothers made fun of this love of mine.

Suddenly I heard a commotion in the corridor, towards Rajvaidya's kaksh. I turned around and the sight, that greeted me, numbed my body. I WAS JUST STARRING AT MY YOUNGER TWIN BROTHER CARRYING AN UNCONSCIOUS CHANDA WITH HIM. I somehow gained my senses and rushed behind them. I entered the kaksh to find that Sahadev had laid down Chanda on the cot there and Rajvaidyaji was checking her pulses. I and Sahadev looked at each other with fear, as being the sons of Ashwinkumars, we knew by looking at Chanda, what state she was in. But somewhere, in our hearts, we hoped that Rajvaidyaji would prove us wrong. But the grim look on his face was saying otherwise.

I heard the sound of two pairs of feet, rushing in our direction. I immediately guessed them – Bhrata Bheem and Bhrata Arjun. Along with them, I also heard the jinkling of anklets and ornaments, which clearly indicated that Panchali and Bhabhishree Subhadra were closely following them. They reached the door and found me with teary eyes. I just averted my gaze and move inside to a corner near the door. They too entered the kaksh.

"Rajvaidyaji, is my Chanda alright? How did all this happen? Bhrata Sahadev... weren't you there with her? Answer me something... please," Bhabhishree Subhadra broke down, seeing her dearest daughter unconscious. Panchali held her by her shoulders and pulled her in a hug. Bhrata Arjun was just starring at Chanda, with expressionless eyes.

Meanwhile Rajvaidyaji had checked her vitals, which looked normal to me. But the grim look had not left his face, proving my suspicion to be true. A fresh lump formed in my throat, with this very thought.

"What do you think, Nakul?" Bhrata Bheem asked me, in a low tone, careful enough to let the conversation be among us. What an effort this giant brother of mine was making to keep the teary tone out of his voice. I just hugged him tightly, who hugged me back and buried his face in my hair, to let his tears flow.

"I guess you have already understood what has happened, Rajkumar Sahadev," said Rajvaidyaji, with a tensed voice.

I instantly looked at Sahadev, separating myself from the hug. He was shaking a bit, at Rajvaidyaji's statement.

"What... What has happened? My... my Chanda is fine... She is alright... haan Bhrata Sahadev?" Bhabhishree Subhadra asked, with hope – filled voice.

"At least, you tell us, Nakul," Bhrata Arjun growled, unable to bear the silence.

"Wo nishchetavastha me ja chuki hai, Bhrata Arjun (She had gone into coma, Bhrata Arjun)" I replied in a hoarse voice.


"What happened, Nakul? Why are you standing there?" Yudhisthir's voice brought Nakul out of his thoughts. He turned his face a bit, to wipe the tears off his face, but he was sure that his Jyesht had already seen them. He went near him to hand over the papers, which Arjun had asked him to give to Yudhisthir. He now knew why Arjun had avoided coming to Yudhisthir's chambers.

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