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First of all, HAPPY DUSSEHRA to all...

May this Dussehra burn all your worries with Ravan and bring you and your family loads of happiness.

May this Dussehra burn all your worries with Ravan and bring you and your family loads of happiness

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Flashback (Continued...):

It had happened in no time. One moment, they had seen their Bhabhishree standing with her children and the very next moment she had surrendered herself to the flames. The Pandavas were too shocked to react, while Vasudev just closed his eyes as a lone tear escaped them and made its way down his cheek.

Slowly the Pandavas overcame their shock and looked towards the last remaining memoirs of their eldest brother – their niece and nephew. But the sight once again sent a chill down their spine as the girl was just staring lifelessly at the pyre. She just seemed to be at a loss of words, or to be precise, loss of emotions. Arjun immediately went towards her. He stopped some distance away from her, but close enough to stop her from following her mother, if she thought of doing so.

"Her name is Chandrika and her brother's name is Vrishketu," said Shri Krishna in a quite tone. The silence was once again broken by the cry of Vrishketu, which brought back some life into his sister. She started rocking him gently, but her eyes were still glued to the funeral pyre of her parents.

The fire slowly died down, but not a drop of tear escaped the eyes of the Karn nandini. The Pandavas now worriedly looked at Madhav, who just assured them through his eyes.

"Let's take her to the camp," said Yudhisthir, finally. Arjun nodded and gently touched her to guide her towards the chariot. He had been mentally prepared to face the rejection from her, but surprisingly she didn't show any. She let him lead her away from the place and towards the Pandav Shivir.

As soon as they reached the Shivir, they saw Mata Kunti, Draupadi and Subhadra waiting for them. The six males got down from their chariots. The three ladies saw that the Gandivdhari was accompanied by a small girl who held a baby in her hands. Kunti and Draupadi recognized the sharp features in no time. Mata Kunti was overwhelmed while Draupadi was in a fix. She looked towards her Sakha, who was already looking at her, as if calculating her next actions and emotions. Subhadra was still looking at her Arya, to know the identity of those kids.

"This is Chandrika and her brother Vrishketu. They are Bhrata Karn's only living children," said Arjun, gauging the question in Subhadra's eyes. She nodded and looked towards both the kids. The baby was squirming in his sister's arms, as if trying to get out of that firm hold. Whereas the girl was tightly holding on to the baby as if it was the last string that anchored her to sanity and life. Finally, tired of struggling, Vrishketu gave out a loud cry. Chandrika loosened her grip on him and started rocking him gently. This was when Draupadi noticed the baby for the first time.

Her eyes were instantly covered with a thin layer of tears. The faces of her six sons flashed in front of her eyes. How much little time she had got to spend with them. They had been just toddlers when they had to leave for Vanvaas, and after that, the war happened which brutally took away all her children from her. She lovingly gazed at the baby as a new hope – a hope of cherishing all those moments that she had missed – rose in her heart. Shri Krishna smiled, hearing the thoughts of his dearest Sakhi.

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