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I woke up because of the loud bang outside of my room.

What is happening at my condo?!

"Nichaaaaaaaaaa!" I screamed and my room door opened immediately.

"Hey Shu it's not my fault, it's your dogs fault!" She defended.

I looked at Haku and Mata and they're just looking at me cutely.

What a cuties...

I smiled at them.

"I ordered breakfast, eat your meals Shuhua don't skip it." Minnie added with a serious tone.

I just rolled my eyes because she's worried again like I'm starving myself for years.


We're currently eating on my mini table while watching some dramas on television when Nicha asked a question that I'm not expecting to hear.

"So where's your (G)I-DLE's merchandises Susan?" She asked innocently while looking around to my ivory dorm.

"I--I left it on my previous condo few years ago" I tried to replied casually but I still can't. I guess I'm not fully recovered yet.

"You're telling me that those precious merchandises are stuck on your previous condo?!" I just nodded.

"You can just tell me! I can sell them Susan!!!"

I choked to the pasta that I'm eating.

"What did you say?!" I'm looking to her intently.

"Those merchandises are not only merchandises they are special because they have a different kinds of polaroids with an autographs of the members!" I hissed.

"If they are special why did you left them there alone then?" Minnie asked while looking to my eyes. I feel like she's telling me something through her eyes.

"Pack up we're going somewhere" I just said. I don't want to answer it and I don't know how to answer too.

"Okay if that's what you want" Minnie said while shrugging her shoulder.

I just smiled bitterly at her

Thank you for always supporting me Nicha...


Minnie and I made a deal. This 2 weeks I'll tour her here in Taiwan. While on her last 2 weeks she'll tour me.

I don't know how she will do that though it's her first time in here...

"Susan I'm ready where are we going today?" Minnie asked me with her fancy outfit.

She's in here for almost a week now and she adjusted to Taiwan's Fashion already.

"C'mon Nicha I'm still watching" I said while focusing on my favorite Netflix Series 'Baby'.

"Let's go now! I'm excited to tour you next next week!!!" She excitedly said and jumped on the sofa that I'm sitting in.

I looked at her intently.

"Did you go in here without telling me or something?" I asked her, confused.

"No I just wanted to go to some places" Nicha replied to me while fixing her fake nails.

"I can bring you there if you want no need to tour me" I offered her.

"Eyy that's boring Susan" she said and smacked my arms.

I just smiled and shut the television.


We're currently in Houli Flower Farm and Minnie is waiting for me, I'm buying Ice Cream.

Houli Flower Farm is the must visit place in Taichung Taiwan. It has a various of beautiful flowers including marigolds...

"Susan Faster!!!" Minnie screamed.

I just laughed, she's so chaotic.

"Can you please wait" she just smiled and pulled me in the middle of the flowers.

"My Ice Cream is melting!!!" I'm sulking to her but she's just laughing at me.

I'm glad that she's having fun...

I got startled when she putted the ice cream that she's eating on my nose.

She's really having fun huh?!

"NICHA?!!!" I shouted and ran over her.

"I lose! I lose! I'm sorry" she's still laughing while holding her tummy.

I'm just looking at her when she made me face the flower farm.

"Look Susan I guess you don't want to miss this beautiful view, right?" My mouth got wide opened.

In front of us is a Farm of Marigold Flowers. It's so beautiful. It's in 4 colors, Orange, Yellow, Blue and White.

"How--" I was about to say something when Minnie hushed me.

"Just look Shuhua and don't say anything" she said in soft voice and made me sat beside her.

We just sat there for almost an hour. No one was talking, only the sound of dancing Marigolds are making the sound around us.

I didn't realized tears are running on my cheeks already.

I realized that I miss (G)I-DLE so much. They became half of my life already and seeing these marigolds in front of us makes me want to hug them, hug them real tight.

Minnie tapped my back and made me leaned on her.

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