"Thank you, sir,"

"Ann" he started after a while of reading the file and closing it, he looked at him "You have been a faithful hard worker for the past five years you've been working for me as my secretary," he said and I wondered where this was going to

"I really do appreciate the efforts you put into making sure that this firm move forward, you are always on time with your reports and everything you do. We have grown over the years and I am glad about the number of testimonies we get from the people we helped. Giving justice to the ones that are deserving of it"

Is he going to fire me? That thought went through my mind. He was commending me but it felt more like the kind of appreciation you get before you get fired which I hope isn't the case. I love this job so much and don't want to leave yet or any moment from now.

'GOD please, I don't want to be relieved of my duties' I prayed within as I watched him talk about things I couldn't hear.

"Ann? Ann?" my name being called, took me out of that reverie I was in and I responded to him.


"Are you okay?" he asked and I nodded "You look lost and a bit pale" he pointed and I tried to calm my senses then blinked severally as deep breaths left my lips.

"I... um, sir I am... sorry" I cleared my throat "I am okay sir" I managed to say and he just frowned "I love my job sir and I would love to... um... keep it" I continued and the frown in his brows deepened.

"What are you saying, Ann? No one is taking your job from you" he said and my brows shot up and I bet my eyes could show the relief I felt.

"Really sir?" I asked to confirm and he nods.

"Yes, of course, Ann, you are an exceptional person and I have no intentions of replacing you" another wave of relief washed my entire system when he said that and a grin grew on my lips.

"Thank you, sir," I thanked and he laughed and then nod his head again.

He cleared his throat and the smile on his face was gone in an instant I knew that meant we were back to talking business so I wiped any smile on my face to concentrate on what he was going to say.

"You are going to organize our annual success party, here" he handed me a file, I opened them and it contained the names and contacts of people "The names there are the people you are going to send invites to and I want them to be done before this weekends" he instructs and I closed the file then nod in response.

"Okay sir, I will do just that," I said and he nod.


"Anything else sir?" I asked.

"None at the moment, you may take your leave" he dismissed me.

"Okay sir," I said and stood to leave his office. I walked to my office and then sat on my chair behind my desk. "The LORD help me finish this before the weekends" I muttered as I looked at the numerous names that were in the file.

I opened my laptop and began issuing out emails to the ones I could do at the moment then I can continue the rest later.

A few hours have past and I sent emails to some of the contacts there and made a few calls between my work, I could feel my back aching already from sitting for a long time so I lay back on my desk and closed my eyes to rest them for a while.

While I stretched my neck, I could feel the stress of the day lingering there and I grunted and then stretched it to my right and to my left. Then I wondered why I didn't take up Delinah's offer to go outside for lunch and to use that as a short walk from my floor to her floor where we will take the elevator down to the small café in the building built mostly for the staff.

"GOD am so tired" I muttered then checked the time to see that it was nearing seven pm and the girl's night I promised Morgan crossed my mind. "I need to leave now" I muttered then stretched before standing up on my feet and stretching again then I locked my system and shut down my office computer.

I began arranging the files on my table and I thought of taking home the files to continue when Morgan retires to sleep but I decided against it and just put them in the top drawer. My laptop and purse were secured in my bag, my phone in my hand, I was ready to head home so I turned around and let out a small yelp when I saw my boss standing by the door with a small smile on his lips.

"All set to go?" he asked and as if he missed how he nearly made my heart jump out of my chest.

"You scared me there, sir" I comment and he gave me an apologetic smile.

"Sorry about that Ann. Thought you heard me come by" he said and I nod.

"It's fine sir," I said then walked out of my office then locked it while we walked towards the elevator so that we can get out of the building.

We rode the elevator in silence as it passed through the nine floors till it got to the ground floor and he waited for me to pass before he left the elevator, we exit the building together and I walked over to my car and he to his.

"Good night, Ann" he called to me and I smiled before I entered my car then waved at him.

"Good night, sir"

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