"Honestly Freya, I'm starting to think you're a stalker now," I joke, shocked that she had thought that much about tonight.

"I promise I'm not a stalker, just someone that has missed their best friend and wanted to make their first night back the best first night they could have. And I hope I have fulfilled that."

She definitely had.

It was nearing midnight, and Freya had already managed to fall asleep. Technically, she had fallen asleep during the third film we had watched, and I didn't have the heart to wake her up. She was probably exhausted from sorting all of this out today, and I didn't blame her. I was very grateful for it, and her in general.

You still up?

yes hahaha freya crashed tho

Don't blame her, Josh said she was rushing around all morning

bless her, she's done the whole room up

Send a pic?

attachment: 1 image

Oh wowww, you better keep them up so I get to stay in there

they aren't coming down anytime soon don't even worry

Glad to hear it

You feeling alright? No pain or anything?

no, just sore, same as this afternoon. why?

I just worry about you

Just wanna make sure you're okay x

i'm alright i promise!!! i love you

I love you too. Get some sleep soon x

only if you do too!!!

Yeah I'm going to sleep soon. Night T x

goodnight x

I turned my phone off, satisfied and then switched the film off too. I decided to keep the lights on as I slept, in a weird way they were a form of company and made me feel safe.

"Goodnight Freya," I whispered. "See you tomorrow."

I seemed to have slept for a long time that night because the next morning it was Freya waking me up.

"I did let you lie in, in my defence," she said when I complained about it being too early.

"Huh? What time is it?" I asked, rubbing my eyes so I could open them properly.

"It's literally eleven in the morning. I've been awake for two hours, I've already had breakfast. Girl, you were dead to the world," she laughs.

"Hey! I had surgery a couple of days ago. I get a free pass, you can't bully me for a couple of days," I said sarcastically.

"Oh no! However will I cope?"

"No idea, you're gonna have to go back to bullying Josh," I teased.

"You know what, that's not a bad idea. Let's see how long I can get away with it until he gets sick of my shit again," she said, a cheeky glint in her eyes.

"You watch out. Josh will either be in a really good mood for it or a really shit one," I laugh, staying where I am whilst she climbs out of the bed. She looks back over at me, hovering in her position, looking between me and the door.

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