Chapter. 10

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POV. Zamora

Everyone took a shower and were already in there Pjs , we were watching a scary movie since halloween was next month, we all huddled up together, i was falling asleep on jacks shoulder, when a little girl screamed.
"Jerry, get off me" I heard Kim say, i look up and saw jerry on her ,closing his eyes and holding on to dear life. not even milton was scared . i then look over at him and realized i spoke too soon , he had a terrified look on his face, hiding behind a blanket. Jack chuckled, laying back down. We cuddle through out the whole movie. It's not surprising to the others, honestly a lot of things we do are quite normal to them. Like hugging, cuddling, kissing on the cheek.
I was getting tired and decided to go to sleep ,laying on jack. My boyfriend.

I woke up to noise coming from upstairs i look around and notice that Kim and jerry weren't anywhere. so i woke jack up.
"What is it princess, are you ok?" jack said in his sleepy voice , man it was so sexy.
"Kim and jer-" i was cut off by a moan from upstairs.
"you don't think..." i look at jack, we head torts the stairs, jack hot on my trail, As we're walking he slaps my ass , i look back at him , glaring. he shrugged while smirking.
we get closer and closer to jerry's room and peek through the door crack... They were , um wrestling. i covered my mouth , running to my room, jack followed me.
"They were..."
i was in shocked , jack just started to laugh.
"What's so funny" i asked.
"Um , Your brother is doing your best friend, baby" he chuckled, holding his arms out, i sit on his lap while he wraps his arms around me. "He never told me he had a thing for kim"
"maybe he scared of your reaction "?
He right what if jerry was scared of how i'd react? my best friend and brother are literally 'wrestling' , as we speak. how long has this been going on ? since the hospital? Is it a one time thing?.
"baby" jack broke me out my thoughts.
"Yes" i smiled , moving his hair out his face.
" i'm tired" he said sleepy.
i nodded, got up and went downstairs. where we laid down and cuddled to sleep. not soon after , jerry and Kim came downstairs , laying in opposite sides of the couch.


413 words

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