Chapter 8: The Battle of the Last Allience

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Y/n's P.O.V

It has been a few days since I brought summer to my realm (Akatosh gave him his own realm when he finished his training in aetherius) and she has settled down nicely, she was a bit wary at first. but who wouldn't be? a powerful being just pops out of nowhere, and out of the blue just offers a place to stay? but enough of that, I have returned to middle earth and sent a raven to Gandalf to see if he can set up a meeting with the other wizards and the leaders of middle earth to see what we can do about Sauron. now I'm on my way to minas Tirith for the meeting.

3rd P.O.V

The king of Rohan and his riders arrived at the city, along with the elves of Mirkwood and Imladris. the only wizards who showed up were Gandalf and Saruman, the only dwarves that showed up were those from the iron hills and Erebor. y/n was disappointed with the fact that Durin the king of Moria didn't show. 

Saruman: "Why have you called us Y/n" he Demanded

Y/n: "I have called you so we can discuss the threat of Mordor" 

Thranduil: "Threat?"

Y/n: "I am sure you all heard that Sauron destroyed the city of Numenor?"

they all said yes

Y/n: "Sauron is continuing morgoths work. to destroy the world of man"

Gandalf: "what do you suggest?"

Before y/n could say anything a dwarf, wearing the armour of Moria came crashing through the door

Dwarf: "Orcs......Moria.........Dain.....gone" was all he could mutter before falling unconscious

after that. the meeting was halted until the dwarf awoke. and when he did he said that they had awoken something. something ancient and angry. a Balrog

Saruman: "impossible, when Morgoth was defeated all of the balrogs were slain"

Gandalf: "some could have escaped, but what is this about orcs?"

the dwarf then explained that while the city of Khazard dum was retreating the halls. an orc army showed up and slaughtered them, only a small few survived. after a while, the council were yelling about destroying Sauron for good, only a more painful death. some kept saying ways of killing Sauron, while others are finding ways of torturing him. all of this just made y/n, furious!

Y/n: "ENOUGH!" he bellowed with a dark tone, he failed to notice a dark aura coming off of him. everyone even the two wizards were shaking in fear. "IF I HEAR ANOTHER WORD ABOUT SAURONS FATE I WILL KILL YOU ALL!"

Thranduil: "WE CANT JUST STAND IDLEY BY HE NEEDS TO BE DESTRO-" he was cut off by y/n cutting him across the face leaving a permanent scar across his cheek, now this almost made the elven lord piss himself as he saw y/n's dark aura, his terrifying golden dragon eyes that were revealed from his e/c (eye coloured) eyes (like the guy from the original men in black)

Y/n: *in dragon-like voice* "HE IS MY BROTHER! WE WILL FIND ANOTHER WAY!"

Saruman: "w-what can we do then?" he said terrified, as Y/n was calming down, his eyes became his human-like e/c ones

Elrond: "S-Sauron gets his power from his ring correct?" Y/n Nods to this "what if we can destroy it?"

Y/n: "it would be extremely difficult" everyone looks at him confused "when I forged the ring, I made sure that there was no other way to destroy it, other than returning it to the molten rock where it was forged" everyone paled as he explained the next part "the only way we can do this, is if we defeat Sauron, take the ring, and throw it into mount doom."

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