Chapter 4: Revenge!

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3rd P.O.V

It was a dark and stormy night, but on the horizon was a light no one knew of, cam to destroy the darkness. but closing in was 5 old men, I wearing grey, one wearing white, one brown, two blue

White: "once we get to Morgoth's stronghold we should be able to make it past the remaining orcs"

Brown: "What do you mean Saruman?"

Saruman: "the elves laid siege to Mordor and killed one of his sons, Morgoth left Sauron to his fate while he fled to Angband, but the sad thing is, that the son that died didn't know about morgoth and sauron"

Brown: "poor boy, i feel sorry for him"

Grey: "i agree Radagast, lets hope we meet him in Valinor"

Radagast: "yeah... your right Gandalf"

Saruman: "Alatar, Pallando? your awfully quiet"

Alatar: "because we don't know what to say to that"

Saruman: "hmph"

The five men continued to walk to angband to confront Morgoth, but didn't know that they don't hurry, they will miss the show

Orc1: "did you hear what happened in mordor?"

Orc2: "yea, i fought with the bright lord, its a shame that he die-" he was cut off by an arrow hitting him in the back of the head

Orc1: "SOUND THE ALARM!!!" he commanded, but before he could run, he saw a bright light "ARGH!" the orc laid there, cut in two

???: "CHARGE!!!!" the bright light commanded, and orcs with glowing handprints on their faces charged in and started fighting with the other orcs, the bright light dimmed down to reveal, our hero, Y/N "BRING ME MORGOTH!!!" he yelled while readying some kind of magic, he released the magic and holes started to appear underneath the unmarked orcs, sending them to their doom. our hero charged in with his soldiers and started to cut down orcs, jumping over some of them and cutting them from behind, "YOL TUR SHOL" he shouted and fire emerged from his mouth burning a large amount of orcs.

(timeskip brought to you by, Y/N Dominateing orcs for his army)

There he was, Morgoth the coward, hiding behind his stone walls, but before him was the boy he tried to corupt, surrounded by orc corpses, but Y/N, his eyes were white, not because he is blind, but because he awoke, his memory returned, his powers back, and he seeks to do what he came here to do, protect this realm. morgoth turned around to run through a portal, but before he reached said portal, he was hit by a hammer so hard he flew towards his throne, and shattered it. he looked to see Y/N holding the hammer that hit him,

The same hammer he used to forge the rings of power, the same hammer he used to forge the mace of Sauron

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The same hammer he used to forge the rings of power, the same hammer he used to forge the mace of Sauron. y/n charged at morgoth still holding the hammer, and swang it at him, destroying his helm

Morgoth: "W-What?! Thats impossible!"

Y/N: "nothing is for the aedra of war"

Morgoth: "*gulps* y-you k-know?" y/n nods his head yes, and hits him again, destroying his armor, leaving him in his elven clothes, "p-please" he begged, but y/n just punched him, again and again, his fists turning blue, and going faster. y/n then picked up morgoth "s-son?" y/n then disappeared, but morgoth felt to hands on his head, he looked behind him and saw y/n. y/n then started to slowly rip morgoths head off "ARGH" morgoth cried in pain, begging y/n to have mercy

y/n: "sorry, all out of mercy" morgoth gulped in fear, y/n gave one last tug, and morgoths head came off, y/n looked at morgoths severed and beaten head, and opened a pocket dimension and pulled out a spear "you can regenerate, but this spear will dampen your powers, you will live, but you wont be able to regenerate" he said and mounted morgoths head on the spear. y/n put the spear back in his pocket dimension, and ran off the tower and landed on the ground with no injury, our hero then started to focus his magic, and angband started to collapse taking orc corpse and castle into the ground leaven nothing in its wake, like nothing ever happened. unknowing to him but a group of old men saw this, and wanted to speak with the mysterious god

{Branded Orc = B-orc}

B-orc: "my lord" He bowed "what is your command?"

Y/n: "wait, build camps, grow my army, sauron will rise, and when he does, we can hold him back" the orc bowed and left with the army y/n brought, y/n however, started to wander

(timeskip brought to you by Morgoth, talking to himself in the pocket dimension)

Our hero arrived at a beach, untouched by evil or malace, the old men followed our hero but what confused them was, y/n sat down in the sand and started singing in elvish

{amagine, you singing it}

y/n sang the song that only the elves knew, but he knew it because celebrimbor sang with him

???: "thats a nice song" y/n turned around to see a old man in brown

y/n: "thank you"

???: "I'm Radegast" he said "this is Gandalf" he pointed to the man in grey beside him who bowed his head

Gandalf: "nice to meet you" y/n stood up and bowed his head

y/n: "nice to meet you. the only maiar i have met are sauron and morgoth, so its nice to meet some more, i am y/n l/n, aedra of war" he said while gandalf smiled at him

Gandalf: "nice to meet you y/n, this is Alatar" the 1st one in blue bowed his head in respect "this is Pallando" he said as the 2nd blue wizard bowed his head "and this is Saruman, he is the head of our order" he said but Saruman didn't bow his head

Saruman: "how did you know what we are" he demanded, while y/n chuckled 

Y/n: "i can see into someone's soul. i know your here to kill Sauron and Morgoth, but Morgoth is already dead and will not come back, while i will not let you kill my brother" he explained, shocking Radagast and Gandalf

Radagast: "your the bright lord?"

Y/n: "yes, and the one who imprisoned Morgoth"

Saruman: "how did you imprison him?" he demanded 

Y/n: "i mounted his head on a power dampening spear, and put him in a pocket dimension"

Gandalf: "thank you"

Y/n: "i didn't do it for you, no offence, but if you want to get rid of sauron, let me at least talk to him first. he is still my brother"

Saruman: "N-" gandalf inturupted

Gandalf: "yes" he said, now an angered Saruman

Saruman: "what?! no!"

Gandalf: "he loves his brother saruman, wouldn't you do the same if it were you?" he said to saruman who couldn't argue because he knew Gandalf was right, "will you help us Y/n? to protect middle earth?"

i am so so sorry I'm late i got home and i fell asleep, so I'm going to do 2 xylo x mania, again I'm so sorry!!

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