Its not called kidnapping

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Me and Tre sat down on the couch downstairs, planning the trip. "So..." I look at the paper of things we wrote down to do "where exactly are we gonna find a place to stay?" I watched Tre with furrowed eyebrows, thinking hard for a place. He looked up at me and raised his eyebrows "I have a cousin that owns a cabin or something, does that work?" "Hell yeah, that's perfect! Call him and ask if we can stay for about..." I looked at the paper for a bit, then back up at Tre "I'd say a week?" I watched Tre stand up "Alright...I'll uh get the phonebook and-..." he sat back down "wait what about Adrienne and Mike? Aren't they coming too? Should they be planning with us?" He looked at me with confusion in his eyes, I hadn't really planned this since, well, I just thought of this idea. "Well my dear friend... I was thinking it could be a surprise or-" Tre cut me off "Ok but Mike is gonna know where we are, me and him went fishing there once." I looked at him and chuckled "you...and Mike...went fishing." I laughed some more and he glared at me "Yes we did and its not funny. We had a great time." "Frank, Mike doesn't like fishing" I continued to laugh. "Well it looked like he enjoyed it." He rolled his eyes and waited for me to calm down, which I was slowly doing but it's was oddly funny. Mike enjoying fishing?  Yeah right. "Ok ok... but I don't know... we can blindfold them or something-.." "Ok, well uh, Bill that kinda sounds like kidnapping doesn't it." He seemed a bit concerned about my idea. Does he not trust me? Nah. Why wouldn't he? I always have the best ideas. I scoffed "it's not kidnapping Frank, it's called borrowing a human read a book" "Billie what kind of books have you been reading-" I ignored the question "It's not called kidnapping we're bringing them on a surprise trip."


I swear if he's trying to kidnap Mike and Adrienne and make me his accomplice I'm gonna be so angry.

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