Finally there

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Billies POV

I parked the car and watch Tre basically fly out the car. I shake Adrienne awake, I don't blame her for falling asleep it is midnight. She looks out the window then back at me in confusion, I gave her a small smile and got out of the car.

"Alright fuckers help me unpack the car or you're sleeping outside." I smirked as I talked and Tre groaned in annoyance

"Tre? Is this where we went fishing?" Mike still seemed confused about the whole situation, so did Adrienne.

"Yeah! It looks even cooler now that it's night, with all the stars and stuff" Tre looked up grinning.

"Tre! Sorry to burst your bubble but I need some help." I dragged out some equipment and he jogged over to me and helped me bring in the stuff.

Time skip to when everything is unpacked

"So Billie... why didn't you just tell us we we're going camping?" Adrienne raised an eyebrow as she spoke to me

"Cuz that ruins the surprise! Duh." Tre laughed and took a beer out and I frowned

I glared at him and frowned "I thought we said no booze Frank."

"And that's why..." he put the booze down and took a vodka bottle out instead "I got this too" he grinned

I frowned even more "Frank! What the fuck?"

"What!? I want to have fun. And like I always say...more booze and less guilt" he took a swig and cringed at the burning sensation

"Do you realize that makes no sense in this situation?" Mike laughed as he took the bottle and he too took a swig of vodka

Well... I could join them but that would suck for Adrienne since she doesn't drink...but I don't want to miss out on the fun, I also don't want a hangover tomorrow...decisions decisions...

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