Chapter 3 -Jaypaw

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Jaypaws POV

After Brambleclaw finished speaking he walked over to where we were standing. Jaypaw had missed most of what he said, thanks to Half Moon. Hollypaw was still sending him suspicious looks.

What's that about? Jaypaw thought, does she think I like her? I'm training to be a medicine cat, its forbidden! Mouse brain.

Brambleclaw asked Hollypaw to train the to-bes some fighting skills with Breezepaw, and took Lionpaw with him to mark out her territories.

Jaypaw felt jealousy rising like mouse bile inside of him and dipped his head before turning and walking off.

Why had he even come to the mountins? Rock had told him to, and now all he'd get to do is sit in the main cave waiting for his siblings to be done with their duties. He really hated Rock at times.

Half Moon was sitting with Pebble and Screech, and they seemed to be joking around. Jaypaw felt envious. All he'd ever had was his siblings, all the other apprentices only talked to him when they felt pity for him. Lionpaw and Hollypaw had friends.

Why do I have to be different, Jaypaw thought, once again, sadly.

Jaypaw realized he was gazing at Halfmoon, and quickly turned his head elsewhere. He felt a cat staring at him, and realized it was Stormfur.

Jaypaw sat down and worked on grooming himself. He started thinking about Half Moon. She had been so scared of the idea of fighting, she had been swept away in her memories. Jaypaw had of course been sucked in, and missed Brambleclaws speech, but Jaypaw didnt really care. It was Hollypaw that was making Jaypaw mad. There was one memory Jaypaw had barely seen, of a dead kit lying there. He wonder who it was. The more he thought about her thoughts, the more he realized something. Her thoughts had been surrounded by a thick layer of mist, so much it made it hard for Jaylaw to get into her thoughts. He didnt have the problem with any other cats.

Its almost like something's protecting her thoughts. Jaypaw noticed, but he shook away the thought, because it was utterly ridicules.

All day Hollypaw had been sending him disapproving glances. Jaypaw had only helped calm Half Moon down because she was distracting him, and because it was an instinct to help hurt cats now.

"Hey, what are you thinking about." Hollypaws voice snapped him out of his thoughts, making him hiss in frustration.

I can't believe I let her sneak up on me, Jaypaw thought.

Hollypaw let out a murrow of amusement, "it's not every day you get to sneak up on Jaypaw."

Jaypaw scowled, "I was thinking."

"About what? Halfmoon?" She asked with an edge to her voice.

"Why in the world would I be thinking about her?" Jaypaw asked, irritated.

"You seemed pretty close earlier." Hollyoaw spoke slowly, the way the warriors would speak to him.

Jaypaw rolled his eyes, "She was scared, a lot of the tribe cats don't like the idea of fighting, plus she looked like she was going to have a breakdown. It was a habit to help her."

Hollypaw huffed, "as long as that's all it was, don't forget your going to be a medicine cat."

Jaypaw had wanted Hollypaw to finish training so she could spend time with him, but now he wished she would go away and leave him to his peace, "Arent you supposed to be training the to-bes."

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