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Allen's pov:

     The city, no matter how large it may seem. It will always be too small. Heck, I can't even walk down the street without being trapped in the flow of the crowd. I shudder at the thought. That when I get out of this crowded classroom, I'm going to have to go out into that crowded world, into the packed subway, back to my small apartment.


     I look away from the window to my rather tall professor, who is leaning over my desk with a look of mild irritation. She narrowed her eyes into a glare and stood straight.

"Yes Professor?"

     Some how, her glare became sharper and her eyes narrowed so tight it looked like she closed them. It would have been kind of funny, if I didn't hate her with a passion.

"You are needed at the front of the university."

     Oh thank whatever god is up there! I cracked a huge smile and nearly fell out of my seat as I jumped up and ran to the door, but before I could I heard my professors extremely annoying voice.

"I want three extra pages on your research paper for not paying attention today!"

     I growled a little as I continued walking out of that jerks classroom. I knew she was smiling as I left. She already knew that I had my paper done, she also knows that I'll have to find a way to put 3 more pages into it. She started doing this to me ever since I proved her wrong in class a while back. For some reason she could never let it go and has harrassed me ever since then by giving me more to do.

     While I was grumbling about how stupid my professor was, I was surprised to find that I was already in the main lobby and two men walked over to me. I've gotta say two men in suits asking for me specifically was not a good scenario. Atleast it wasn't in my mind. Once they saw me, I instantly felt trapped. Either turn around and go back to my awful professor, or talk to the rather scary looking business men.

     Before I could make a decision, they made it for me. The two middle aged men walked towards me and the taller of the two looked at me with a questioning look and cleared his throat

"Hello, are you-" He looked down at a card he had stuffed in his coat pocket. "Allen Wright?"

     I gulped a little and began to think of all the things I had ever done. I don't recall ever committing a crime, nor do I know anybody who had committed a crime.

"Um, y-yes sir. Is something wrong?"

     The smaller one reached into his suit jacket and pulled out a white folder with the RDA symbol on the front. I looked from the folder to the men a couple times before opening it. It was not exactly what I had expected. It was a long page that had so many words that I sort of just skimmed over. I kept skimming until I read a very specific line that did more than just stand out, it completely shocked me. I could not help but read allowed.

"Due to your success in academics Dr.Grace Augustine, head of the Avatar Program on Pandora wishes to give you an opportunity to work along side her in her studies of the Flora, Fauna, and Native peoples on Pandora."

     I look to them in disbelief, then looked back at the paper, re-reading it over and over. Why on earth would she want me? Sure I'm smart, but I didn't think I was that smart. The taller of the two men cleared his throat.

"We understand that this may be rather shocking news w-" I cut in before he could continue.

"Shocking is an understatement. Why would she want me of all people? I'm sure there are many other more experienced people who could do this."

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