Time with Tsu'tey

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Waking up to Tsu'tey was quite a shock. I was both confused and nervous as I lay in the hammock with him. His features were surprisingly relaxed, contrary to his usually firm expressions. He even looked sorta happy in his sleep. Which was one of the things that confused me.

On the first night, he seemed irritated with needing to care and look after me. Then in one day he's willing to do it? It was a little suspicious.

What happened to make him so freindly? Was it because of what he said last night or did the Tsahik rip him a new one? I geuss I'll just have to wait and see.

Not wanting to be in the bed with him when he woke up, I tried to leave. I shifted around to find the opening to the hammock, but after looking all over my side of the hammock to find the edge, I gave up. Looking toward Tsu'tey's side with a hint of dread, I saw the opening just behind his back. Carefully I reached over his body to pull at the opening, making sure to avoid touching his skin.

Though sadly and a little embarrassingly, his chest seemed to be to big for me to reach over. Huffing frustratedly at both my predicament and small size, I crossed my arms and pouted a bit. That's when I saw that part of the opening would be a little easier to reach near his waist, but I'd have to get a bit closer.

My face heated up a bit as I realized I'd have to go lower in order to get close enough to pull the opening. I thought about all the, movies and shows where something like this happened, and I really didn't want to become one of those people.

So I decided I'd just wait, it's not like he was going to stay asleep all day right?


Apparently I was wrong and after what felt like 2 hours. I finally gave in to the trap that fate had set for me.

Reluctantly, I slid down gently so that I could reach over his waist and pull the edge of the hammock.

I stretched my arm over his waist. Trying to find the edge of the hammock with my hands. I felt around for a bit and grabbed onto the edge of the hammock. I gave it a tug but nothing seemed to happen accept a mild grunt of pain from Tsu'tey. My face heated up again as I realized that I didn't pull on the hammock. I slowly lifted my hand from the strap on his loincloth and reached further. When I found the edge, the real edge, I gave it a small tug; but the hammock didn't move. I tried a bit more forcefully but the hammock remained still.

I let out a frustrated grunt and pulled my arm back. Though surprisingly the noise seemed to have disturbed Tsu'tey, whom made a small frown and quickly reached an arm over my body and pulled me flush to him.

My face heated up again as I realized that I was now face to chest with Tsu'tey. I tried looking anywhere but his chest as I lay awkwardly in his slumbering embrace, but found it difficult as it eclipsed my veiw.

I tried to shift my legs a bit to help me turn over, so atleast when he wakes up he is facing my back. However, the movement just seemed to make him more clingy as he used his legs to hold me tighter.

At this point, my face had gone from warm to burning hot. This was the most awkward and embarrassing thing that's ever happened to me and what happens when he wakes up? I thought nervously.

Just then, Jake came into the room. This was my chance.

"Help meeeee!" I whisper yelled.

He squinted his eyes in confusion, then shot me a mischievous grin and left. Dammit Jake!

I shuffled around a bit and gave up once I realized his grip wasn't going to let up. So rather than sitting here pouting, I decided to look at the positives.

Trapped (Tsu'tey X OMC)Where stories live. Discover now