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   Quick note:

*Star symbols mean speech is in Na'vi*

   Allen's POV:

   I woke up to the usual morning ambience of the jungle. I groaned tiredly and sat up in my bed, rubbing my eyes.

"Hey Allen, get up were going on a trip today." Said Grace.

I raised my head excitedly towards Grace, who didn't look as enthused as I did. "Are you serious?"

   She nodded slowly and told me to get ready for the day. Norm was taking the equipment, which freed me up to take whatever I wanted to take. When I was done packing, I had an arsenal of colored pencils and a sketchbook. Stored away in my pack. Along with some fruits from the farm. Just in case.

   When everything was all set, we made our way to the flight pads. One thing that Grace didn't tell me, was that Jake was coming. He wasn't acting much different from yesterday. The only difference was the closeness. It wasn't uncomfortable having him so close, just a little distracting. I couldn't think straight, which was pointed out to me multiple times when I kept zoning out in front of Grace.

   We arrived to the flight pad and hopped onto the helicopter and we were on our way.


   The ride was terrifying. I was never good with heights, but this was something else entirely. Trudy, our pilot, seemed to enjoy my terror and started flying at odd angles just to elicits scream from me. Grace had told me that there was nothing to worry about. Trudy was after all one of the best pilots here on pandora. I didn't completely calm down, until Jake looked directly at me with a reassuring smile. I slowly sat back in my chair and gripped the handles on either side of me.

   Once we arrived at the landing site. Grace, Norm and Jake got out and collected their gear. I was still clutching the chair handles tightly.

Jake looked at me with sympathy and spoke to me in a light tone. "Hey, you good?"

I tried to release my grip on the handles, but found it very hard to let go. "Uh, y-yeah just, ugh."

"Ugh?" He said with a chuckle.

I slowly felt my grip loosening on the handles. "Yeah, hehe. I'm just really bad with heights."

   I tried to look away, too embarrassed to face him, but he used one of his fingers to guide my face back towards his.

"You don't have to be embarrassed. My brother Tommy used to be afraid of hieghts aswell." Said Jake.

"You have a brother?" I asked curiously.

He tensed slightly then relaxed once again. "I 'HAD' a brother. He died back on earth." He said sadly.

"Oh, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Its alright, I'm over it." He said.

   We both stared at each other in an awkward silence, until Grace decided to make her presence known.

"Allen? Are you able to come with us? You can stay here if you want."

"No it's alright Grace, I can go with you guys." I let go of the handle and hopped out of the helicopter.

   The minute my feet touched the ground I was filled with the same odd tingly sensation I felt when I became trapped in my avatar. The thought to tell Grace crossed my mind before I immediately pushed it aside. I wasn't about to ruin my only chance at getting out of the enclosure just because I feel tingly.

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